Monday, April 27, 2015

Aged and Weight Loss Surgery

Weight loss surgery is gaining popularity with each passing day. It’s the last option for all those suffering from morbid obesity. Weight-loss surgery is riskier among elderly, but may be best option for some of them as it also provides immense health benefits. Gastric-bypass surgery for weight loss has become very common place and one of the preferred choices for getting rid of morbid obesity amongst aged population.

With Medicare picking up the cost, weight loss surgery has become an affordable option for getting rid off obesity. After the surgery, most of the people couldn’t eat as much therefore the weight drop off faster than they could believe. Exercising made it even easier. The best part about these surgeries is that it also takes care of heart problems, poor circulation, wasted knees and sleep apnea that are often faced by most of the aged.

Obesity at an advanced stage of life is a big threat to life. Most the times it’s the result of a fast-food culture and a sedentary lifestyle. They tend to make us fatter than ever. Senior people who are morbidly obese — at least 100 pounds overweight — are increasingly opting for some form of gastric bypass surgery as a last resort to get rid of this embarrassing situation. It helps to improve their health and quality of life for the years they have left.

According to recent research, seniors can benefit from weight-loss surgery as much as younger people and maybe even more. It has been noticed that patients over the age of 60 got the same benefits from the surgery and had a comparable rate of postoperative complications as compared to younger people. The procedure produces good results and improves quality of life with about the same rate of mortality and complications as seniors who have heart-bypass and hip replacement surgery.

The best part about Weight Loss surgery is that besides providing relief from obesity, it helps in correcting a host of diseases such as diabetes, hypertension, sleep apnea, heartburn reflux and makes the knees and joints last longer. So, it has turned out to be a pleasant option for most of its beneficiary.

Choosing The Right Bodybuilding Supplement

Before wasting your money on a pile of bodybuilding supplements you really need to work out what you are hoping to achieve. Don't lose sight of the fact that sound nutrition forms the basis of any muscle building program and no amount of supplementation with the latest and greatest products will make up for bad eating habits. The bottom line is, bodybuilding supplements should be used IN ADDITION to regular food, not INSTEAD OF it.

Now that we've got that out of the way, let's go on to think about what supplements could be of use and this is something that can only be determined by your physical and performance goals. Don't make the mistake of copying your training partners or believing all the garbage spouted in magazine ads. Decide first what you want to achieve and then choose the supplements that will help you reach your goals.

To help you make an informed choice, the most popular and useful bodybuilding supplements available today are listed below, broadly divided into two goal-related categories.

Determined to build muscle? This cannot be achieved without dedication, sheer hard work and sound nutrition. With a solid foundation in place you can help the process along with supplements like creatine, whey protein, prohormones, testosterone boosters and amino acids.

Need to lose fat? There is no point in building awesome muscles if they're covered by layers of fat. Once again, the key to success is hard work but you can boost fat loss by using products from supplement categories that include fat burners, stimulant-free products, appetite suppressants and carb blockers.

Many more supplements are available to support your bodybuilding endeavors. These include energy boosters and products aimed at enhancing the condition of your mind and body. As we progress through this series of articles we'll look at each of these in turn.

Friday, April 24, 2015

Mini Liposuction

One of the most sought-after cosmetic surgery procedures in recent years is liposuction. While not exactly done as a replacement for dieting and exercise, liposuction is designed to remove really stubborn areas of fat which just won’t go away with the more traditional methods of losing weight.  Known as a body sculpting procedure, liposuction removes unwanted fat from the abdomen, hips, thighs, buttocks, upper arms, knees, neck, chin, and cheeks.

During the past few years, a number of newly-developed techniques or methods of liposuction have been helping many cosmetic surgeons provide more precise results and quicker recovery times for selected patients. Among these techniques are the ultrasound-assisted lipoplasty (UAL), the tumescent technique, the super-wet technique, and the “mini liposuction”.

First introduced by Beverly Hills liposuction specialist Dr. David M. Amron, mini-liposuction means exactly what the name actually implies: a shorter version of the liposuction procedure. Mini-liposuction is deemed the ideal method to use when making spot reductions in one or two stomach areas in persons who are closer to their ideal body weight. Simply put, a person who is slightly out of proportion because of one or two stubborn fatty areas can be made proportionate with the application of the mini-liposuction procedure.

Mini-liposuction focuses primarily on just one or two areas. The entire procedure, which normally just takes less than one hour of a patient’s time, involves the removal of less than one liter or 2.5 pounds of fat from the area being operated on. Furthermore, the whole mini-liposuction procedure can be done under local anesthesia, which means that a patient faces lesser risks. Most important of all, mini-liposuction will set a patient back by less than $2,500.

Among the areas of the body that mini-liposuction can take care of include those located around the knees, beneath the chin, above the breast at the armpit and behind the elbows. The mini-liposuction procedure can also be applied to other areas of the body which present a small amount of excess fat.

The whole mini-liposuction procedure, while tending to involve very minimal recovery time, can provide a patient with results that can only be described as dramatic.

But as with most cosmetic surgery patients, those who are considering mini-liposuction must have realistic expectations on the results the procedure can give them. If people think they can just undergo mini-liposuction just for the heck of it, they’ve got another think coming. Like what’s been said above, mini-liposuction, or any other liposuction procedure, is no substitute for dieting and exercise. While it definitely can help enhance the appearance and self-esteem of a person, mini-liposuction can’t change the way you look exactly the way you’ve fantasized. It is wise then to further contemplate your reasons for undergoing mini-liposuction before making your decision.

Facial Modifications with Collagen

Facelifts are on the expensive side, a bit painful and can take months to fully heal. Collagen offers a cheaper alternative that heals quickly and can make a noticeable difference.

Facial Modifications with Collagen

There are many different procedures that plastic surgeons can use to restore and rejuvenate the human face. Facelifts, Botox, brow lifts and many other procedures can all be used to create a more youthful and smooth appearance. Of this group, collagen is undisputedly one of the more popular options for enhancing facial areas.

Collagen is a natural substance produced in the human body that helps to form connective tissue. It also provides hydration and strength for the skin. Collagen is made in less quantity as we age. This reduction results in skin losing its elasticity, softness and tightness. Typical effects include sagging skin, wrinkles on flat plains of the face, as well as deep creases on the forehead and the neck. Both collagen and fat harvested from your own body can be used to plump up these areas that are sagging and creased. Collagen can also be used to plump up thin lips, a personal favorite of many celebrities as you no doubt have noticed!

Collagen is made using collagen harvested from animals, so there is a slight chance that your body may react to it. Also, collagen enhancements are not permanent. You will need to have repeat injections later on to maintain the look that you want. Besides collagen, other materials such as Alloderm and Goretex can be used to create the desired look without any cutting or major surgery. Recovery time is slight and the procedure is much less expensive than traditional surgery. No general anesthesia or operating room is involved. In fact, you can be in and out of most procedures in under an hour.

Side effects from collagen enhancements are rare, but there is always a chance they can occur. Side effects include bruising, swelling and allergic reactions. Some people also have allergic reactions to the local anesthetic used to numb the site. As the materials used are foreign to your body, you should discuss any medications you are taking and things you are allergic to with your plastic surgeon. To avoid reactions, of course, you can always choose to have the material drawn from your own body. Hips and buttocks are the most typical harvesting areas.

With collagen, there is a temptation to shop by price. Don’t! We are talking about modifications to your face. It is strongly suggested that you use a board certified plastic surgeon that can show you before and after pictures of his or her previous patients. This will allow you to understand the possible results and get the best care.

Breast Enlargement or “Augmentation Mammoplasty”

Breast enlargement, also known as augmentation mammoplasty, is a cosmetic surgery that enhances the upper body contour of a woman who is unhappy with her small breast size.  This is perhaps the cosmetic procedure that the public is most familiar with.

Breast enlargement is done by having an implant placed through an incision, under the breast tissue or under the muscle.  The incision can be made under the breast, around the nipple or under the arm.  A breast implant is composed of an outer silicone shell filled with saline (the use of silicone gel implants are now restricted).  The outer surface may be smooth or textured, and implants come in various shapes to meet the individual woman’s needs.  

When the implant is placed under the actual muscle of the breast, there is a lower chance of contracture (contraction of the tissue surrounding the implant), and mammography is more reliable.  There is also less risk of visible or palpable implant edges.  The down side is that there are some people who believe the implant has a more natural appearance when placed above the muscle, under the breast tissue.

The shape of augmented breasts depends on the implant.  Implants can be round or teardrop-shaped (anatomical).  The choice depends on the look the female wants to achieve.  Anatomical implants produce a gentle slope, resulting in a fuller upper area, whereas round implants create a round curve in the upper part of the breast.  Another factor to consider prior to surgery is breast width, which determines the amount of “cleavage” between breasts and the outer curves.

Realistic expectations are important.  Some women often think of breast size in terms of bra cup size.  If a size “A” wanted to be a size “C”, there still has to be adequate existing breast tissue coverage: otherwise there could be visible or palpable implant edges and other possible risks.

This is a major procedure, and someone undergoing breast augmentation absolutely needs someone to drive her home and stay with you for 24 hours after surgery.  There will be pain the first few days, but normal pain pills should take care of this as the body adjusts to the new implants.  Wear a bra at all times (except when showering) during the first 2 weeks after surgery.

 Avoid heavy lifting and avoid even moderate exercise for at least the first week, and then only moderate exercise.  During recovery, the breasts will be somewhat swollen. Within a few weeks, the actual shape and size will be evident, and the full success of the procedure will come abundantly clear.

Friday, April 3, 2015

Tips on How to Treat Adult Acne

Lots of people are unaware of the fact that adult acne exists and they seem not to know how to treat adult acne. People have this misconception that acne only happens during teenage years and gradually wears off as they age. For most people, this fact may be true but it is important to note that acne does not start during teenage years only. However, it is important to note that there are a significant number of adults that experience such condition.

There are lots of reasons why a person develops adult acne. But, it is important to take note that majority of the people that suffers from this condition are those who also experienced acne problems during their teens. It is also important to remember that the treatment for this is not the same when you were in your teens since your skin is already different from how it used to be. Because of this, here are some tips on how to treat adult acne.

1.    First, buy a reputable over the counter acne treatment product. OTC products could easily treat mild acne breakouts. Nowadays, there are lots of acne treatments that are available in the market. But, you need to be aware if the product is safe to use or not. Some products were proven ineffective and might have harsh elements that could further damage your skin. If you were afraid to buy random products, it would be best to consult your dermatologist. This will ensure that the product suits your skin type as well. Or, you may ask for recommendations from friends and family members who encountered a similar case of acne like yours. Or, you may do your own research on the product’s way of how to treat adult acne.

2.    Second, for serious breakout and if OTC products do not seem to work undergo cosmetic procedures in a reputable derma clinic. Cosmetic procedures such as microdermabrasion and laser resurfacing are some of the common procedures how to treat adult acne. Keep in mind that these procedures should be done using clean materials so it would be best to visit a reputable clinic.

3.    Third, never squeeze your acne! A lot of adults have this desire to squeeze or prick their zits on their own which could cause further damage due to scars. Never ever do that because squeezing will only push the infection deep into the skin.

4.    Fourth, eat healthy foods. In order to flush away toxins that could cause acne, you need to drink lots of water and eat fruits and vegetables. Keep in mind that well-hydrated skin has better chances to rejuvenate rather than dry skin. Also, try to live a healthy lifestyle by having a well-rested body. Keep in mind that stress is one of the causes of acne as well so it really pays if you get your eight-hours worth of sleep per day.

There are other tips that could help how to treat adult acne but these are some of the basic things that you need to follow. Try one tip after the other and surely, you will be able to find something that will work for you.

Interior Decorating For Small Apartments

So you have a small apartment. You are possibly wondering, how do I make my small space look comfortable and inviting with out looking cluttered?

 I have your answer. Actually several answers first of all start with looking around, notice the placement of windows and which way the light reflects in the rooms during different times of day. You do not want to blind someone, who could possibly be visiting, by that stunning sunset.

 Also look at your current furniture and the colors that it is or is not. Some colors can make a room look small, clinical and cold. Good warm toned colors also make it more comfortable for you to live there.  Browns, Reds, Yellows, and Oranges are great colors to open up space and make the room warm and inviting. Use accent rugs to help with the addition of colors as some Landlords do not allow you to paint. Sofa Covers are a great way to add color and save from wear and tear on your furniture.

When choosing a color scheme please note that you should choose something that is easy to clean i.e., browns and grays. White is not a good choice, unless you plan on never really living in your place. Try to look at the big picture, small living rooms means that you shouldn't get a sectional sofa. Instead try a small love seat or futon couch.

Not only does the futon couch help with space but it can be converted to a bed for those single room apartments. If you are on a budget and don't want to get rid of your current bed and you are in a studio apartment try a bed that looks like a bunk bed with out the lower bunk. That way you can store your dress and other articles under the bunk and enclose it with a curtain and no one can see your unmade bed up top. This is very useful for bachelors.

Try creating rooms with the use of decorative screens. It can make a single room look like two or more rooms are there. Also remember your curtains, they should be allowing the light in, the more light you allow in the bigger the space looks. Use a small bistro table as a dining table.

It is intimate and makes for a great coffee talk spot. If you are lucky enough to have some one in your apartment remember to always hide your laundry. Laundry laying around makes the apartment appear cluttered and small. Plants are a great way to make your room appear bigger. Try hanging them from the ceiling or by using hooks on the wall. Don't forget the importance of mirrors. The use of mirrors can make your small apartment look large. Use a focal point and angle your mirror towards it, it gives the illusion of depth. Most importantly make sure you always have a clean space, it is always bigger when it is clean.

Ok so now you have gone and cleaned, you are noticing that the apartment still looks small. Question your storage. You need some ideas for storage you say? Well I am full of them. Look around and if you notice you have lots of magazines lying around get yourself a magazine holder. It is a handy little box that is decorative to your specific likes and it cleans up your tables of clutter. Get your self a footrest that has storage inside of it. It is nice for when the surprise guest comes over and you need to store something quickly. A coffee table with storage underneath it is also a wise choice. The more storage you have that isn't added clutter makes your life easier. Wall shelves help to eliminate tabletop mess. Put your collectible gnomes on a small wall shelf and look at all the free space you have just created for yourself. All of the suggestions presented here to you are easy do it yourself projects. You can get most of these easy to use items at your local all purpose store and hardware store.

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