Friday, September 4, 2015

Getting the Skinny on Plastic Surgery

Cosmetic surgery is becoming a normal practice for many people, almost to the point that it’s like going to the dentist. However this does not mean all is well in this cosmetic candy land. Yes, plastic surgery is very common and you have lots of doctors and surgical choices available to you, but there are other factors one needs to think about before making their way to the doctor’s office. Along with deciding on the right doctors and particular surgical procedure you want done; it would be wise to contemplate if the risks are worth the potential results.

When you are deciding on what doctor will perform your surgery be sure you have reviewed all of his or her credentials. It’s also advisable to talk with the doctors past patients and staff. If you have any friends or family that have had cosmetic surgery; talk with them about their doctor and how their procedure went. When deciding on a surgeon it is very important you verify that they are certified and properly accredited. There are many horror stories related to cosmetic surgery based on people not doing their due diligence on this important detail.

After choosing your doctor you may want to factor in the distance and travel time from your home to the hospital. This plays an important role after your surgery since you will need to visit with your surgeon for follow up care. Make sure you arrange for a friend or family member to pick you up after your procedure. You will most likely be unable to drive due to medication or other surgery related reasons. However, not all surgeries require you to have another person drive you home, but you probably will not feel like driving after the operation even if you feasibly could.

Most procedures are not covered under insurance policies unless your health is adversely affected and can only be corrected through a particular operation. Even then you must get a referral from a specialist who must provide in written detail why it’s imperative you have the procedure done. It is important to note that insurance companies are getting more lenient with their approvals on certain plastic surgeries; especially if the operation could lower the risk of you needing future medical care in the short and long term.

Taking care of yourself post and pre-op will play an important role on how well you heal after your cosmetic surgery. You must keep all bandages on and clean. Avoid over exerting yourself as you will likely be restricted in most normal everyday activities. In many cases swelling will be present and persistent as your body readjusts to its new look and feel.

Mentally you may feel fatigued or even disappointed, but these feelings resolve once the bandages have been removed and surgical areas have reduced in swelling. With cosmetic surgery you are changing your physical appearance so it will take getting use too. Some after post-op are still unsatisfied with the results and may need or want further procedures. Cosmetic surgery should be well thought through and you must be mentally ready for any adverse outcome. So take time deciding what will be right for you.

Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Is weight training good for women

There are many women who attend a gym only to use the cardio equipment there. They never touch the weights. Most of them never get noticeable results either. If asked why they don't train with weights the usual answer they give is "I don't want to get bulky".

In this article I want to explain why women should not avoid weight training and why training with weights is actually appropriate for them.

Women athletes should not be intimidated by weight training. They think that training with weights will make them look less feminine. This is a very common misconception.

Let me explain why this is not true. It's very simple - women don't produce the quantities of anabolic hormones, necessary for excessive muscle growth. As a matter of fact even most men don't.

In order for a female athlete to develop noticeable muscle mass, she would have to resort to pharmaceuticals that will dramatically increase her anabolic hormone levels. Without them a female athlete, using weights, would mostly tone up her body by eventually gaining some muscle mass and losing body fat.

Here are the facts. Even men, who train naturally, will most likely never develop muscle mass in excess, although they produce the anabolic hormone testosterone in their bodies.

Women produce only one tenth of the testosterone men do. So, the chances a female athlete would have results, similar to what a natural male athlete could have, are really small. Enough said about women and the possibility for excessive muscle mass development.

But why training with weights is appropriate for women?

The biggest reason why women should train with weights is weight training increases lean muscle mass. And lean muscle mass elevates the metabolic rate. This is the tissue that uses fat for fuel. The more muscle mass you have, the more fat you burn not only during workout but also throughout the day.

Every pound of lean muscle mass gained means up to 30 more calories a day burned. This number might not look significant but over the course of a year it translates into more that 3 pounds of fat burned.

Now you see why it's important to maintain your muscle mass while dieting. Not only maintain but even try to build more, which will help burn the unwanted fat faster. Of course, as I said above,  it's not physiologically possible for women to build excessive muscle mass. So don't be afraid to gain some that will come naturally.

This is only one of the benefits that comes with weight training. As we all know there are much more. Just keep in mind the following.

First, if you are a female, don't be intimidated by weight training as this is not going to make you very muscular. It's just not possible. Mother nature will not allow it.

Second: You should actually strive to build more lean muscle. By increasing your lean muscle mass you increase the amount of calories burned during physical activity as well as throughout the day.

Monday, April 27, 2015

Aged and Weight Loss Surgery

Weight loss surgery is gaining popularity with each passing day. It’s the last option for all those suffering from morbid obesity. Weight-loss surgery is riskier among elderly, but may be best option for some of them as it also provides immense health benefits. Gastric-bypass surgery for weight loss has become very common place and one of the preferred choices for getting rid of morbid obesity amongst aged population.

With Medicare picking up the cost, weight loss surgery has become an affordable option for getting rid off obesity. After the surgery, most of the people couldn’t eat as much therefore the weight drop off faster than they could believe. Exercising made it even easier. The best part about these surgeries is that it also takes care of heart problems, poor circulation, wasted knees and sleep apnea that are often faced by most of the aged.

Obesity at an advanced stage of life is a big threat to life. Most the times it’s the result of a fast-food culture and a sedentary lifestyle. They tend to make us fatter than ever. Senior people who are morbidly obese — at least 100 pounds overweight — are increasingly opting for some form of gastric bypass surgery as a last resort to get rid of this embarrassing situation. It helps to improve their health and quality of life for the years they have left.

According to recent research, seniors can benefit from weight-loss surgery as much as younger people and maybe even more. It has been noticed that patients over the age of 60 got the same benefits from the surgery and had a comparable rate of postoperative complications as compared to younger people. The procedure produces good results and improves quality of life with about the same rate of mortality and complications as seniors who have heart-bypass and hip replacement surgery.

The best part about Weight Loss surgery is that besides providing relief from obesity, it helps in correcting a host of diseases such as diabetes, hypertension, sleep apnea, heartburn reflux and makes the knees and joints last longer. So, it has turned out to be a pleasant option for most of its beneficiary.

Choosing The Right Bodybuilding Supplement

Before wasting your money on a pile of bodybuilding supplements you really need to work out what you are hoping to achieve. Don't lose sight of the fact that sound nutrition forms the basis of any muscle building program and no amount of supplementation with the latest and greatest products will make up for bad eating habits. The bottom line is, bodybuilding supplements should be used IN ADDITION to regular food, not INSTEAD OF it.

Now that we've got that out of the way, let's go on to think about what supplements could be of use and this is something that can only be determined by your physical and performance goals. Don't make the mistake of copying your training partners or believing all the garbage spouted in magazine ads. Decide first what you want to achieve and then choose the supplements that will help you reach your goals.

To help you make an informed choice, the most popular and useful bodybuilding supplements available today are listed below, broadly divided into two goal-related categories.

Determined to build muscle? This cannot be achieved without dedication, sheer hard work and sound nutrition. With a solid foundation in place you can help the process along with supplements like creatine, whey protein, prohormones, testosterone boosters and amino acids.

Need to lose fat? There is no point in building awesome muscles if they're covered by layers of fat. Once again, the key to success is hard work but you can boost fat loss by using products from supplement categories that include fat burners, stimulant-free products, appetite suppressants and carb blockers.

Many more supplements are available to support your bodybuilding endeavors. These include energy boosters and products aimed at enhancing the condition of your mind and body. As we progress through this series of articles we'll look at each of these in turn.

Friday, April 24, 2015

Mini Liposuction

One of the most sought-after cosmetic surgery procedures in recent years is liposuction. While not exactly done as a replacement for dieting and exercise, liposuction is designed to remove really stubborn areas of fat which just won’t go away with the more traditional methods of losing weight.  Known as a body sculpting procedure, liposuction removes unwanted fat from the abdomen, hips, thighs, buttocks, upper arms, knees, neck, chin, and cheeks.

During the past few years, a number of newly-developed techniques or methods of liposuction have been helping many cosmetic surgeons provide more precise results and quicker recovery times for selected patients. Among these techniques are the ultrasound-assisted lipoplasty (UAL), the tumescent technique, the super-wet technique, and the “mini liposuction”.

First introduced by Beverly Hills liposuction specialist Dr. David M. Amron, mini-liposuction means exactly what the name actually implies: a shorter version of the liposuction procedure. Mini-liposuction is deemed the ideal method to use when making spot reductions in one or two stomach areas in persons who are closer to their ideal body weight. Simply put, a person who is slightly out of proportion because of one or two stubborn fatty areas can be made proportionate with the application of the mini-liposuction procedure.

Mini-liposuction focuses primarily on just one or two areas. The entire procedure, which normally just takes less than one hour of a patient’s time, involves the removal of less than one liter or 2.5 pounds of fat from the area being operated on. Furthermore, the whole mini-liposuction procedure can be done under local anesthesia, which means that a patient faces lesser risks. Most important of all, mini-liposuction will set a patient back by less than $2,500.

Among the areas of the body that mini-liposuction can take care of include those located around the knees, beneath the chin, above the breast at the armpit and behind the elbows. The mini-liposuction procedure can also be applied to other areas of the body which present a small amount of excess fat.

The whole mini-liposuction procedure, while tending to involve very minimal recovery time, can provide a patient with results that can only be described as dramatic.

But as with most cosmetic surgery patients, those who are considering mini-liposuction must have realistic expectations on the results the procedure can give them. If people think they can just undergo mini-liposuction just for the heck of it, they’ve got another think coming. Like what’s been said above, mini-liposuction, or any other liposuction procedure, is no substitute for dieting and exercise. While it definitely can help enhance the appearance and self-esteem of a person, mini-liposuction can’t change the way you look exactly the way you’ve fantasized. It is wise then to further contemplate your reasons for undergoing mini-liposuction before making your decision.

Facial Modifications with Collagen

Facelifts are on the expensive side, a bit painful and can take months to fully heal. Collagen offers a cheaper alternative that heals quickly and can make a noticeable difference.

Facial Modifications with Collagen

There are many different procedures that plastic surgeons can use to restore and rejuvenate the human face. Facelifts, Botox, brow lifts and many other procedures can all be used to create a more youthful and smooth appearance. Of this group, collagen is undisputedly one of the more popular options for enhancing facial areas.

Collagen is a natural substance produced in the human body that helps to form connective tissue. It also provides hydration and strength for the skin. Collagen is made in less quantity as we age. This reduction results in skin losing its elasticity, softness and tightness. Typical effects include sagging skin, wrinkles on flat plains of the face, as well as deep creases on the forehead and the neck. Both collagen and fat harvested from your own body can be used to plump up these areas that are sagging and creased. Collagen can also be used to plump up thin lips, a personal favorite of many celebrities as you no doubt have noticed!

Collagen is made using collagen harvested from animals, so there is a slight chance that your body may react to it. Also, collagen enhancements are not permanent. You will need to have repeat injections later on to maintain the look that you want. Besides collagen, other materials such as Alloderm and Goretex can be used to create the desired look without any cutting or major surgery. Recovery time is slight and the procedure is much less expensive than traditional surgery. No general anesthesia or operating room is involved. In fact, you can be in and out of most procedures in under an hour.

Side effects from collagen enhancements are rare, but there is always a chance they can occur. Side effects include bruising, swelling and allergic reactions. Some people also have allergic reactions to the local anesthetic used to numb the site. As the materials used are foreign to your body, you should discuss any medications you are taking and things you are allergic to with your plastic surgeon. To avoid reactions, of course, you can always choose to have the material drawn from your own body. Hips and buttocks are the most typical harvesting areas.

With collagen, there is a temptation to shop by price. Don’t! We are talking about modifications to your face. It is strongly suggested that you use a board certified plastic surgeon that can show you before and after pictures of his or her previous patients. This will allow you to understand the possible results and get the best care.

Breast Enlargement or “Augmentation Mammoplasty”

Breast enlargement, also known as augmentation mammoplasty, is a cosmetic surgery that enhances the upper body contour of a woman who is unhappy with her small breast size.  This is perhaps the cosmetic procedure that the public is most familiar with.

Breast enlargement is done by having an implant placed through an incision, under the breast tissue or under the muscle.  The incision can be made under the breast, around the nipple or under the arm.  A breast implant is composed of an outer silicone shell filled with saline (the use of silicone gel implants are now restricted).  The outer surface may be smooth or textured, and implants come in various shapes to meet the individual woman’s needs.  

When the implant is placed under the actual muscle of the breast, there is a lower chance of contracture (contraction of the tissue surrounding the implant), and mammography is more reliable.  There is also less risk of visible or palpable implant edges.  The down side is that there are some people who believe the implant has a more natural appearance when placed above the muscle, under the breast tissue.

The shape of augmented breasts depends on the implant.  Implants can be round or teardrop-shaped (anatomical).  The choice depends on the look the female wants to achieve.  Anatomical implants produce a gentle slope, resulting in a fuller upper area, whereas round implants create a round curve in the upper part of the breast.  Another factor to consider prior to surgery is breast width, which determines the amount of “cleavage” between breasts and the outer curves.

Realistic expectations are important.  Some women often think of breast size in terms of bra cup size.  If a size “A” wanted to be a size “C”, there still has to be adequate existing breast tissue coverage: otherwise there could be visible or palpable implant edges and other possible risks.

This is a major procedure, and someone undergoing breast augmentation absolutely needs someone to drive her home and stay with you for 24 hours after surgery.  There will be pain the first few days, but normal pain pills should take care of this as the body adjusts to the new implants.  Wear a bra at all times (except when showering) during the first 2 weeks after surgery.

 Avoid heavy lifting and avoid even moderate exercise for at least the first week, and then only moderate exercise.  During recovery, the breasts will be somewhat swollen. Within a few weeks, the actual shape and size will be evident, and the full success of the procedure will come abundantly clear.

Friday, April 3, 2015

Tips on How to Treat Adult Acne

Lots of people are unaware of the fact that adult acne exists and they seem not to know how to treat adult acne. People have this misconception that acne only happens during teenage years and gradually wears off as they age. For most people, this fact may be true but it is important to note that acne does not start during teenage years only. However, it is important to note that there are a significant number of adults that experience such condition.

There are lots of reasons why a person develops adult acne. But, it is important to take note that majority of the people that suffers from this condition are those who also experienced acne problems during their teens. It is also important to remember that the treatment for this is not the same when you were in your teens since your skin is already different from how it used to be. Because of this, here are some tips on how to treat adult acne.

1.    First, buy a reputable over the counter acne treatment product. OTC products could easily treat mild acne breakouts. Nowadays, there are lots of acne treatments that are available in the market. But, you need to be aware if the product is safe to use or not. Some products were proven ineffective and might have harsh elements that could further damage your skin. If you were afraid to buy random products, it would be best to consult your dermatologist. This will ensure that the product suits your skin type as well. Or, you may ask for recommendations from friends and family members who encountered a similar case of acne like yours. Or, you may do your own research on the product’s way of how to treat adult acne.

2.    Second, for serious breakout and if OTC products do not seem to work undergo cosmetic procedures in a reputable derma clinic. Cosmetic procedures such as microdermabrasion and laser resurfacing are some of the common procedures how to treat adult acne. Keep in mind that these procedures should be done using clean materials so it would be best to visit a reputable clinic.

3.    Third, never squeeze your acne! A lot of adults have this desire to squeeze or prick their zits on their own which could cause further damage due to scars. Never ever do that because squeezing will only push the infection deep into the skin.

4.    Fourth, eat healthy foods. In order to flush away toxins that could cause acne, you need to drink lots of water and eat fruits and vegetables. Keep in mind that well-hydrated skin has better chances to rejuvenate rather than dry skin. Also, try to live a healthy lifestyle by having a well-rested body. Keep in mind that stress is one of the causes of acne as well so it really pays if you get your eight-hours worth of sleep per day.

There are other tips that could help how to treat adult acne but these are some of the basic things that you need to follow. Try one tip after the other and surely, you will be able to find something that will work for you.

Interior Decorating For Small Apartments

So you have a small apartment. You are possibly wondering, how do I make my small space look comfortable and inviting with out looking cluttered?

 I have your answer. Actually several answers first of all start with looking around, notice the placement of windows and which way the light reflects in the rooms during different times of day. You do not want to blind someone, who could possibly be visiting, by that stunning sunset.

 Also look at your current furniture and the colors that it is or is not. Some colors can make a room look small, clinical and cold. Good warm toned colors also make it more comfortable for you to live there.  Browns, Reds, Yellows, and Oranges are great colors to open up space and make the room warm and inviting. Use accent rugs to help with the addition of colors as some Landlords do not allow you to paint. Sofa Covers are a great way to add color and save from wear and tear on your furniture.

When choosing a color scheme please note that you should choose something that is easy to clean i.e., browns and grays. White is not a good choice, unless you plan on never really living in your place. Try to look at the big picture, small living rooms means that you shouldn't get a sectional sofa. Instead try a small love seat or futon couch.

Not only does the futon couch help with space but it can be converted to a bed for those single room apartments. If you are on a budget and don't want to get rid of your current bed and you are in a studio apartment try a bed that looks like a bunk bed with out the lower bunk. That way you can store your dress and other articles under the bunk and enclose it with a curtain and no one can see your unmade bed up top. This is very useful for bachelors.

Try creating rooms with the use of decorative screens. It can make a single room look like two or more rooms are there. Also remember your curtains, they should be allowing the light in, the more light you allow in the bigger the space looks. Use a small bistro table as a dining table.

It is intimate and makes for a great coffee talk spot. If you are lucky enough to have some one in your apartment remember to always hide your laundry. Laundry laying around makes the apartment appear cluttered and small. Plants are a great way to make your room appear bigger. Try hanging them from the ceiling or by using hooks on the wall. Don't forget the importance of mirrors. The use of mirrors can make your small apartment look large. Use a focal point and angle your mirror towards it, it gives the illusion of depth. Most importantly make sure you always have a clean space, it is always bigger when it is clean.

Ok so now you have gone and cleaned, you are noticing that the apartment still looks small. Question your storage. You need some ideas for storage you say? Well I am full of them. Look around and if you notice you have lots of magazines lying around get yourself a magazine holder. It is a handy little box that is decorative to your specific likes and it cleans up your tables of clutter. Get your self a footrest that has storage inside of it. It is nice for when the surprise guest comes over and you need to store something quickly. A coffee table with storage underneath it is also a wise choice. The more storage you have that isn't added clutter makes your life easier. Wall shelves help to eliminate tabletop mess. Put your collectible gnomes on a small wall shelf and look at all the free space you have just created for yourself. All of the suggestions presented here to you are easy do it yourself projects. You can get most of these easy to use items at your local all purpose store and hardware store.

Friday, March 6, 2015

Herbal Remedies To Prevent Miscarriages

Miscarriages could happen due to a plethora of reasons. Some of the most common causes are -

- Multiple pregnancies
- Increasing age. With increasing age the percentage of miscarriages also increase. As per statistics, for women who are less than 35 years miscarriages happen at a rate of 6.4%, between 35-40 it is 14.7% and over 40 it is 23.1%.
- Uncontrolled diabetes
- Affected by a soft tissue disease known as Scleroderma
- Fever over 100 degree F
- Smoking increases the risk by nearly 30-50%
- Earlier use of contraceptive pills could also be a reason.
- Women who conceive with IVF treatment, as in case of hormonal imbalance
- Abnormalities of the uterus

Preventive Measures

Some home remedies suggested to prevent miscarriages are

Drink raspberry leaf tea with a little Composition Powder. This helps to alleviate after pains of childbirth, uterine hemorrhage, and miscarriage.

True Unicorn Root is a very important tonic for women. It is very useful in healing female reproductive organs. It works pretty well for women who have a history of miscarriages due to chronic weakness. It can be used for the entire period of pregnancy as it has simulative properties. It is valuable for treating sterility and impotency problems.

You can drink one cup of false unicorn every half hour to prevent miscarriage.

You can have Squaw Tea, which prevents miscarriages and strengthens the uterus.

Boil 2 oz. wild yam and 1 oz. coltsfoot in 1 1/2 quarts of water for 20 minutes. Take 1 tsp for 1 every cup and have it 3-4 times a day.

Another recipe is take 1 part Black haw, 3 parts false Unicorn root and 1 part Lobelia. Boil 3 oz herb in 1 1/2 quarts of water for 20 minutes. Drink 1 tablespoon with water at least 3-4 times daily.

False unicorn and Lobelia helps in the nurturing the reproductive system by supplying hormone building nutrients that helps in holding the pregnancy.

Avoid these herbs as they can poisonous and can induce abortion or miscarriages. Black cohosh, Blue cohosh, Celery root, Pennyroyal, Slippery elm douche, Tansy, Western red cedar, Yarrow, Rue, Lovage, Ginger, Cotton root bark, Sweet flag, Mistletoe, Ginseng, Golden seal, Juniper berries, Oil of sassafras, Myrrh, Southernwood, Motherwort, Angelica, Marigold, Bracken fern, Golden ragwort and Mugwort.

Warning: The reader of this article should exercise all precautionary measures while following instructions on the home remedies from this article. Avoid using any of these products if you are allergic to it. The responsibility lies with the reader and not with the site or the writer.

Fertility After Forty

The most fertile years of a woman's life are those between 18 and 28. Even into the mid-thirties, it is usually fairly easy to conceive and carry a pregnancy to term. During these years the hormones that control ovulation, enhance conception, and ensure a healthy pregnancy are usually made easily and in generous quantities. And detrimental life-style choices have not had decades of repetition to create chronic problems. But more and more women are waiting until their late thirties, early forties, even late forties, to have children. Is this too late? Are these destined to have high-risk pregnancies? Will these children have more birth defects? The answer to these questions - and others like them - is "no!" for wise women who enlist the help of green allies to increase fertility, ensure conception, prevent birth defects, and promote a healthy pregnancy and an easy delivery.


 Increase your chances of conception by meditating. Cultivating a calm attitude, not surprisingly, enhances fertility. Even taking a quiet five minutes alone just for you, free of all responsibilities, can bring big results if done frequently enough.

 Use lunaception to time your ovulation so you have the best odds of conceiving. It's fine to have sex in the weeks before ovulation, especially if the sex is focused on the woman and her orgasm, but do save your best efforts for those three nights when your "moon" is full and bright and ready to frolic.

  Orgasm on the part of the male is necessary for fertilization. The woman's orgasm does increase the possibility of conception. Women who experience orgasm after their partner (up to 40 minutes after his ejaculation) have the very best chance of becoming pregnant.

  Red clover is the single best remedy for women over forty who want to conceive but can't - even if there are medical reasons for not conceiving such as blocked tubes, diabetes, ovarian cysts, internal scarring, or endometriosis. There are many heart-warming success stories I could share about red clover! But suffice to say, drinking 2-4 cups of the infusion of the dried blossoms (neither tincture nor tea nor pills will work for this application) seems to do wonders for fertility, no matter what your age.

  PREVENTING BIRTH DEFECTS Boosting your nutritional status makes birth defects less of a worry. Women who drink 2-4 cups of stinging nettle infusion daily and eat cooked leafy greens as well as lettuce salads are getting the abundant folic acid, calcium, magnesium, and other minerals needed to create a healthy baby. (Tinctures, pills, and teas contain little or none of these important nutrients.)

  Vitamin E is an especially critical nutrient for fertility after forty and freedom from birth defects. Freshly-ground wheat flour, cold-pressed oils, and nut butters are all good sources of vitamin E, as are stinging nettle infusion and most cooked seaweed, such as kelp. The man's vitamin E level has as much, if not more, bearing on freedom from birth defects as does the woman's vitamin E level.

  Avoid heat, both of you. Hot tubs, even prolonged soaking in a hot bath, can cause temporary (up to several months) sterility in some men. In women, it can endanger the early embryo and trigger a miscarriage or birth defects.

  Avoid drugs, both of you, including alcohol, tobacco, coffee, as well as over-the-counter drugs and prescription drugs (except those you absolutely need). Your liver needs to be strong and so do your kidneys, so you can conceive and gestate a child. Instead of alcohol, which damages the liver, drink herbal infusions or alcohol-free wine or beer. Instead of tobacco, which may contribute to birth defects and low birth weight, try smoking a little dried peppermint, or, better yet, go for a walk. Instead of coffee, which challenges the kidneys, you may wish to drink green tea or black tea, or try coffee substitutes, especially the one made with dandelion roots. Instead of drugs to ease everyday aches and pains, use the gentle herbal remedies in this book instead.


Ambivalence about pregnancy and parenthood is normal and natural. But the older a woman gets, the more complicated her emotions about it may be. Add to her emotional soup pot strong opinions from family and friends, confusing information spread by the popular media, and fear-inducing pronouncements from "helpful" medical professionals, and that pot will be in danger of boiling over. Herewith then, some wise woman hints for keeping your cool in the midst of overt and covert confusion.

 Contrary to current opinion, having children in your forties is ordinary and common worldwide. The Bible mentions several women having children in their fifties. What is unusual and unique to our time is having a first child in one's forties. Our mother’s, mother’s, mothers were having their fifth or eighth or tenth child when they were in their forties, not their first. If people tell you it just isn't done, close your eyes and call upon the spirit of your great-great-great-great grandmother, then smile and tell them it seems utterly ordinary to you. Feeling tense and distressed about choosing or refusing motherhood? Motherwort tincture is my favorite calmative. A dose of 10-20 drops helps clear your mind, eases your tension, and assists you in discerning the best path to follow. Bach flower remedies excel as helpers when you are feeling emotionally overwhelmed. Try:
  • Aspen when you feel anxious, apprehensive, or afraid of the unknown.
  • Mimulus when you are dwelling on a specific fear.
  • Elm when you feel overwhelmed or inadequate.
  • Red Chestnut when you are afraid for or worried about your baby to be.
  • Rock Rose when you are trembling, shaking, or weeping from anxiety or fear.
Regular gentle massage or Reiki treatments not only help you calm your distress, they also guide you in creating a strong center that's resistant to being pushed around by other people's opinions. Massage and/or Reiki also help prepare your mind/body for a healthy pregnancy and a safe birth.


 The single most important herb for pregnant women over forty is comfrey (Symphytum uplandica hybrids). The leaves of the mature plant contain an abundance of constituents beneficial to mother and babe, including generous amounts of minerals, alantoin, proteins, and many vitamins. The minerals in comfrey help ensure healthy nervous system growth; the fetus’s developing brain uses the proteins. And the alantoin helps the mother's tissues become stretchy and elastic. Aging can lead to increased stiffness and brittleness in bones and muscles, making pregnancy more arduous and painful, labor slower and more difficult, and injury more likely during birth. The hormones of pregnancy, which help soften and relax the pelvic tissues, may not be produced in adequate amounts. Comfrey comes to the rescue! Comfrey creates flexible and strong tissues throughout the body especially mucus surfaces (including intestines, uterus, bladder and vagina), the bones, the ligaments and tendons, and the skin. Regular use of the leaf infusion, at least a quart a week, promotes a safe delivery by:
  • strengthening uterine muscles and preparing them to work easily and well
  • strengthening perineal tissues so they become resistant to tearing
  • strengthening uterine ligaments so the uterus does not prolapse
  • strengthening the bladder and increasing resistance to bacterial infection
  • strengthening the vagina and helping to promote an environment hostile to infection
  • providing easily assimilated minerals to prevent eclampsia and other complications
  • helping the bones of the pelvis flex and open during birth
  • increasing iron in the blood and thus forestalling post-partum hemorrhage.
I harvest the flowering stalks when they are fully formed; and I am careful to use the cultivated garden comfrey, which grows very tall and has purplish, pinkish, bluish flowers. I avoid wild comfrey, which stays rather small even when flowering, and has cream-colored, white, or yellowish flowers. Some people feel that comfrey is not safe to use during pregnancy. Some people feel comfrey is not safe to use internally at all. I disagree. The roots of comfrey do contain compounds that are best avoided during pregnancy (as do all parts of the wild plant). In fact, I rarely use comfrey root because of the possibility of liver congestion, and I strongly caution those who have had hepatitis, chemotherapy, or alcohol problems to strictly avoid comfrey root. Yet even these people can benefit from use of comfrey leaf infusions. Another important herbal ally for women over forty who desire a child is chaste tree (Vitex agnus-castii). It has been used in Africa and parts of Europe for several thousand years to discourage the male libido. In women, the effects seem to be the opposite! It may also be a fertility enhancer. Most importantly, chaste tree is a strengthening tonic for the pituitary gland, the master control gland for the endocrine system. Daily use of the tincture of the berries (1 dropperful/1 ml 2-3 times daily) had been shown to increase progesterone - the hormone of pregnancy - and luteinizing hormone - which promotes conception. Because it can lower prolactin levels, chaste tree is best discontinued during the last trimester of pregnancy.

  Dong quai (Angelica sinensis) is not recommended for women over forty. In general, this herb promotes blood flow to the uterus and surrounding tissues. 

The Different Methods of Hair Removal

Getting rid of unwanted hair from your body can sometimes be a very painful process. But knowing the right procedure can help you to avoid unwanted rashes and acne. Everybody has a different skin type, so knowing which hair removal method suits your skin is important.

The different methods of hair removal are:

Shaving: With the help of a razor, you can cut off the tip of the hair shaft which has grown out through the skin. You can get disposable razors, razors with disposable blades, and also electric razors. Men use these razors to shave their faces, and women use them to shave their underarms, legs, and bikini areas. Always use blades with safety guard wires to minimize nicks and cuts on your skin.

Shaving is an inexpensive method. You can do it yourself; all you need is a razor and a shaving gel. But this method can cause burns, cuts, and bumps on your skin, and can be rather uncomfortable. Even ingrown hairs occur, as while shaving the hairs are cut below the level of the skin, so when the hair grows back, it grows within the surrounding tissue and not out of the follicle. The hair curls around and starts growing into the skin, and irritation, redness, and swelling can occur at the hair follicle.

Plucking: With the help of tweezers, you can pull the hair out from its root. You have to stretch the skin tightly, grip the hair close to the base, and then pull it out. Plucking will last for about 3 to 5 weeks. Though this is time consuming, it is inexpensive, as you do not have to go anywhere to get it done. It can be painful, and you may notice temporary red bumps, as the hair follicle gets swollen and irritated.

Depilatories: Depilatories are hair removal creams or liquids. This is an easy method, as depilatories can remove hair from the skin's surface. They work by reacting with the protein structure of the hair, so the hair dissolves and can be washed or wiped away. It can last up to 2 weeks. They are easily available and are inexpensive. You can use it on your legs, underarms, and bikini areas. It has a bad odor though, and some people can even have an allergic reaction to it, which may cause rashes or inflammation. People with sensitive skin should be careful.

Waxing: In this method, a sticky wax is spread on your skin, and then a cloth strip is applied over the wax and quickly pulled off, taking the hair root and dead skin cells with it. Normally the wax should be warmed, but some can be applied cold. It can be done at a salon or at home. Waxing makes the area smooth and is long lasting. It lasts for about 3 to 5 weeks. The hair regrowth also looks lighter than it does after other methods of hair removal such as shaving. This can be a painful procedure and you may even get bumps and inflammation after waxing, but the result you get is worth the pain. Professional waxing is also expensive compared to other hair removal methods. Diabetic patients and those under acne treatment should avoid this method.

Electrolysis: In this method a professional electrologist would insert a needle into the hair follicle and send an electric current through the hair root to kill it. This gets done over a series of several appointments. It is a long procedure, and even a small area like the upper lip may take a total of 4 to 10 hours, and a larger area such as the bikini line may take 8 to 16 hours. This is a permanent method, but it is expensive and time consuming. The process can be painful, and dry skin, scabs, scarring, and inflammation may result after treatment.

Laser: Here a laser would be directed through your skin to the hair follicle and stop growth. Large areas of skin can be treated at the same time. It can last up to 6 months. This method is best suited for light-skinned people having dark hair, as the melanin in the hair absorbs more of the light; thus making treatment more effective. The treatment can be expensive and may cost up to $500 or more.

Prescription Treatments: Medicinal creams are available by prescription, such as eflornithine for treating facial hair growth. The cream is to be applied twice a day until the hair becomes softer and lighter. Side effects may include skin irritation and acne.

Another method that doctors prescribe is antiandrogen medications to reduce the appearance of unwanted hair. Androgen hormone can be responsible for hair growth in unwanted areas, and antiandrogens can block the androgen production.

It's your personal choice whether or not you want to remove your body hair. Hair removal would not affect your health in any way, so you shouldn't feel pressured to remove it if you don't want to. But if you do wish to get rid of unwanted hair, choose a method that would suit you best. Remember that each person is beautiful in his/her own way, so always respect your body.

Smart Lipo Laser Liposuction

Liposuction has been recognized as a useful treatment to dramatically sculpt body lines and eliminate unsightly subcutaneous fat.  Traditional liposuction uses mechanical suction to break up fat cells and suction them out of the body.  This can result in pain, swelling, and bruising, as blood vessels and nerves can be caught up in the suction.

SmartLipo laser lipolysis is the first FDA approved laser lipolysis device.  Rather than rely upon mechanical suction, the SmartLipo uses laser energy to break up fat cells, a process known as lipolysis.  This often results in much less trauma to the body than traditional liposuction.

As a result of this new technology, many people are finding that recovery for laser body sculpting is quicker than traditional liposuction and can return to work or other duties within a day or two.

In addition to destorying fat cells, the laser in SmartLipo can tighten the skin resulting in an improvement not only in the fat under the skin, but an overall appearance in the skin itself due to the tissue tightening.

The factors of SmartLipo which include, quick revoery time, generally minimal bruising and swelling, and the benefit of tissue tightening, are making it the preferred choice for people who would otherwise turn to liposuction.

How to Find a Bargain Mini Skirt

One thing about the mini skirt is that they have been around for a long time.  This is something that will never go out of style no matter what year it is.  There are so many different skirts to choose from.  Many women have their own personal style and will find only skirts that fit their personality.  When a woman wants to do this she can find a bargain in a lot of places.

The first thing that woman looking for a bargain mini skirt should do is check out the sales.  You do not have to pay full price for a great skirt.  There are a lot of people that save money by shopping the clearance racks and paying way less for their clothes.  They figure that prices for all clothes eventually come down and they can wait for a good deal.

Other women shop at garage sells or consignment shops for a great mini skirt.  This is a great place to find awesome values for great pieces of clothes.  You can find different patterns and styles from many different eras when you shop this way.  The older fashions are becoming the hot new style again and there is no better way to get these things than by shopping the stores that carry them.

Going to goodwill is another good idea.  You will find great items that you can buy cheap and match up with things in your own closet.  You will be amazed at the different deals that you can get at these stores for mini skirts.  You will find unique and fun styles and have a great time wearing them for different occasions.

There is no reason why a woman cannot find a great bargain for a mini skirt.  Some girls will even raid their mom’s closet to find an old fashion statement.  There are many moms that still have their old mini skirts from the sixties and will let their daughters borrow them.  You can find vintage items for you to wear and look great in for all different occasions.

You can find mini skirts to wear to work, to school, for a night out of just for everyday.  There is no limit to what you can do with a great mini skirt.  You can match them with simple items or go all out and make a new fashion statement.  There is no limit to what you can achieve when you want to look hot and fresh in a mini skirt.

Sharing your mini skirts with your friends is another great idea.  You can borrow from them and they can do the same from you.  This is a great way to get new ideas and have a great selection any time you want.  You can have fun dressing up together and figuring out new styles.

If you really want to find a bargain mini skirt, you can make your own.  Take one of your longer skirts that you do not wear and trim it.  Cut the bottom hem out and make a shorter new one.  This is something that even the most inexperienced sewer can do.  This is a great way to make your own and save money.  Make sure that you cut a little bit off at a time so that you do not make it too short for your body.  Pair it up with some great accessories and you are on your way.

How to deal with baldness

Generally, when your hair starts to get gray, you can easily fix it with a little well thought coloring. But with baldness… well, you have to get more creative. As most men realize, the hair is a limited duration asset, which will eventually show more on the shower floor than on your head. You’ve got to make the best of it while you still have it.

The exact cause of male balding has not yet been discovered, but it has something to do with the male sex hormones. So, until the miraculous cure arrives, you’ve got to make the best of your hair while you still have it.

- The first rule of balding: Don’t bother with comb-overs. They don’t look so good. You can part your hair I interesting way for the first few years, buy eventually you won’t be fooling anyone. Take a look at Donald Trump. Yuck!

- Second rule of balding – When it goes, let it go. If you’re just thinning all over with no patches of baldness, then cut your hair down to the lowest level. If you’ve got that monk’s patch on the back of your head, then shave it all down to the thinnest level.

- Third rule of balding – Toupees and wigs never work. Ever! Don’t even bother. A woman can tell you’re wearing a rug a mile away, and she’ll see it as insecurity, not vanity. Women laugh like hell at guys who think that they can’t tell it’s fake.

In the end, get a style that flatters your situation. For a lot of guys these days, shaving it all off is an option. Some go for the “Captain Picard” look that Patrick Stewart managed to turn into a sexy statement.

And if your hair is something that you aren’t willing to let go, then consider using the medicinal supplements that you can get both on the shelf and over-the-counter. They can help. As a last resort, you can even consider surgery to replace it.

Whatever you do, choose to accept the situation, even if it’s not the one you would choose to have. By fighting the inevitable, you take a harder toll on your self confidence by perpetuating a false sense of self. Your hairline isn’t you.

Facts about tanning beds

A tanning bed produces UV rays and thus just like the sun there can be some health issues when using it. You can tan safely by following the tanning bed tips provided by many people that have been in the tanning business for many years. Here are some tanning bed facts.
Skin type

No matter what type of tanning bed you are using, if you don’t know your skin type you could land up in trouble. There are five basic skin types. The lightest being albino the darkest being naturally dark pigmented skin such as Asian or African. And then there are the ones in between.
The type of skin you have will determine how long and how often you can tan. Some skin types burn much quicker, while others seldom burn at all when tanning. The salon you tan at will help you determine your skin type. If you are tanning at home then refer to the manual that came with your tanning bed when you purchased it.

Tanning Lotions

always use a tanning lotion that is designed specifically for indoor tanning. Stay away from the oils. They are messy and they get all over the acrylic which then blocks the rays from reaching you and makes the bed tough to clean.
Use a tanning lotion appropriate for your skin. So if you burn easily choose a lotion with a higher SPF. Never use inside lotions outside or outside lotions inside. Each is designed to protect you from specific rays associated with that type of tanning.
Doesn’t Let Yourself Burn

avoid a sun burn at all costs? In the tanning world this is the golden rule. Some people will burn much easier than others and you need to take steps to avoid burning at all costs. If you are really fair and you never tan without first getting a burn, then don’t tan. It’s that simple. Burns are dangerous to your health and the cause of skin cancer. No tan is worth risking skin cancer. Tan smart!
Choose Your Bed carefully

you should always start with a lower watt tanning bulb bed just to make your skin use to the UV rays. The beginner beds aren’t as powerful as the mega beds and it will give you pigment time to develop. Once you’ve got your base tan you can move to a bed that has stronger tanning bulbs. If you stop tanning and you loose your tan then you have to start all over again from the beginning with a low watt bed. The strong tanning bulb beds are very powerful and you will damage your skin if your skin is not ready for them or haven’t had a tan for a while.

Home Tanning Beds

you might want to consider purchasing your own bed. Although the commercial beds are great you have to work your schedule around their schedule and it seems you’re always rushed. With a bed at home you can relax and enjoy your tan and you can tan in the privacy of your own home. It’s a great end to a busy day.

Home tanning beds can be purchased for a reasonable price, especially if you calculate how much it cost to go to a commercial bed. Remember there is not just the cost of session but the gas to get there, the wear and tear on your car, and the cost of your time. It’s something to consider.
Of course there are advantages to commercial tanning beds to. They always have the latest and greatest beds. They absorb the cost of replacing bulbs that have become weak, and they do all the maintenance and repair. All you have to do is show up the rest is their worries.
However you decide to get your indoor tan, just be smart and tan in moderation. You can have that beautiful golden tan if you play you’re tanning bulbs right!

Botox - What Does It Do?

With all the hype and insanity over people getting Botox injections for everything from a sagging chin to a droopy eyelid, one has to wonder just what it is that Botox does and how exactly does it work?

To understand exactly what Botox is and what it does, we first have to look at just how this amazing miracle of modern science came to be.

Botulinum toxins, which are what Botox basically comes from, were first researched back in the good old 60s during the hippie era.  Originally the purpose of this was to treat neurological disorders.  In 1989 Botox was finally approved by the FDA to treat eye muscle disorders like blepharospasm, uncontrollable blinking, strabismus, crossed eyes and even wrinkles.  In the year 2000 it was approved to treat cervical dystonia.  This is a disorder that causes severe neck and shoulder contractions and also a very unusual side effect of eye disorder treatments.  In their research, doctors discovered that Botox softened the frown lines between the eyebrows.  It was after this discovery that Botox officially came into existence and was FDA approved on April 15, 2002.

So what exactly does Botox do?  How does it work?  Well, when Botox is injected into the muscles of the forehead, it blocks nerve impulses which results in the weakening of the muscles that cause frowning.  Eventually over a period of several months, given enough of these injections, the frown lines start to get softer and in many cases eventually disappear completely.  Botox can also be injected into the muscles of the face that cause crows feet, forehead lines and frown lines.

Botox injections themselves are actually a diluted form of botulism.  Yes, the same botulism that can make us very ill.  Botox cosmetic is a purified form the Botulinum toxin.

The next question is, how exactly does it work?  Well, to put it simply, every time you laugh, smile, frown, or for that matter do just about anything with your facial muscles, wrinkles are caused by the underlying contractions of these muscles.  After years of making these expressions the wear and tear on your face begins to be noticeable and the lines start to become permanent.  When these creases become permanent, no kind of skin cream can get rid of them.  That's where Botox comes in.  After being injected into the effected area, it temporarily paralyzes these muscles so that you can't make these expressions.  That's why people who have had Botox injections literally look like mannequins.  You'll still have enough movement to look semi human (a matter of opinion) but not enough to cause these wrinkles.  So in fact by taking these Botox injections they make you look younger.

So what's the price for this "fountain of youth?" Botox is not cheap, my friend.  The average cost of just one Botox injection in the United States is about $350.  This also depends on what area of your face is getting the injections.  The area near the eyes is more expensive, costing between $400 and $900 per injection.  For large surface areas such as the forehead, injections can be between $600 and $1300 a pop.

And with all the fuss about simply looking younger, one has to wonder how safe these injections are.  That is probably best left for another time.

Beauty Products With A Positive Attitude

It took two caring, creative mothers and their teenage daughters to create a line of skin care products that promotes a healthy attitude toward beauty and self-esteem.

"The teenage years can be awkward both physically and emotionally for teens," said Susan Shand, one of the co-founders of Tess (Teen Everyday Skincare System). So Shand, co-founder Sheri Poe and their daughters created a brand that celebrates the personal, individual beauty of each teenage girl.

To find out what teens wanted and needed, Shand and Poe spoke with hundreds of teens and their mothers. Today, the Tess Advisory Panel-made up of girls 13 to 17-provides opinions on everything from naming, scents and packaging design.

They created products formulated with natural fruit and botanical extracts, essential oils and vitamins to cleanse, tone, moisturize and protect teenage skin. The products feature paraben-free blends of natural ingredients such as aloe vera gel, lavender oil and extracts of chamomile, green tea, hibiscus flower, comfrey, white willowbark, lemon peel, apple and strawberry.

There are two, easy-to-use, "day to night" skin care kits for combination and problem skin and eight full-sized "a la carte" products. For many girls, an easy-to-use kit can help them start the good habit of taking care of their skin, making the kits a great back-to-school gift.

For example, the Skin with Attitude Kit is formulated for teens with blemish-prone skin. It features Scrub-It-Off Strawberry/Jojoba Facial Cleanser, This Is Your Wake-Up Call Orange Facial Toner, Take No Prisoners Peppermint Serious Blemish Stick, Out and About SPF15 Lavender Oil-Free Lotion, Perfect Pout Strawberry Healing Lip Gloss and Put on Your PJs And Vanilla Oil-Free Healing Night Cream.

Packaged in classic, clean, simple bottles and tubes with fun, lighthearted product names and colorful accents of watermelon, lime, tangerine and sky blue, the packaging also features empowering statements such as "take charge," "dare to dream," "speak your mind" and "never settle" to provide daily inspiration.

Basics Of Tooth Whitening

For people who want a smile that is brighter, the process of tooth whitening can be easily administered. Tooth whitening can reduce staining and discoloration and ultimately grant a patient a whiter and brighter set of teeth.

But how much really can your teeth become whiter? Some tooth whitening products claim that your teeth can become nine shades whiter. This is exaggerating. A whitening of two or three shades is more possible and can already provide a significant change in a person’s smile.

It is important to note at this point that our teeth have no uniform whiteness. Usually, the whitest teeth are the two front teeth while molars are generally two shades darker. A realistic goal for anyone wishing to have a whiter set of teeth is for the process to achieve its optimum level while retaining the natural look of white teeth. Besides, the whitening results vary from patient to patient depending on the teeth structure and procedure type.
But first, what causes tooth discoloration? Remember that aging, chemical damage and staining are factors that contribute to discoloration as are medications, tea, coffee, cola soft drinks and cigarette.

There are also other factors that affect the color of teeth like genetics and disease. Some people have naturally whiter teeth enamel and their children can acquire this gene trait. But if you suspect that there’s a physiological factor behind the color of your teeth, it is best to consult your physician too so you can better inform your dentist.

Teeth whitening corrects the discoloration in your teeth by removing the staining on your teeth. And there are a number of methods or techniques that can be used to achieve this such as the following: mild acid whitening, chemical whitening, abrasive teeth whitening and the latest one: laser teeth whitening.

Teeth bleaching is a chemical process that a dentist can use to lighten up the color of the teeth of his patient. The process can be administered right in the dentist’s clinic, at the patient’s home or a combination of clinic first-finish at home. Home teeth bleaching procedures are more common nowadays these afford patients the convenience of their own homes.

The cosmetic dentist first molds a custom mouth tray or mouth guard for his patient. Creating the mouth tray is critical because this controls the amount of whitening agent to be used and holds the entire teeth for even whitening. Other material requirements for the home procedure are fairly easy to handle. The dentists should make sure that the patient is well-instructed and well-equipped. While treating at home, never hesitate to call your dentist if you have questions or is not sure of what you’re doing.

Typically, the mouthguard containing the whitening solution must be worn overnight or as instructed by your dentist and/or recommended by the product literature. The session could also last for as short as 2 or 3 hours. This really depends in the product and your own whitening need.

Friday, February 27, 2015

Distinguishing A Womans Integral Signature Perfume Scent

We frequently show ourselves through the utilisation of perfumes, and the kind of scent that we use the most to show our own personality is one that is often named our signature fragrance.

What regulates our alternative for our very own signature scent?  It depends from person to person, since our bodies have a certain chemical makeup that is unique by itself.  It is determined by our own genetic traits as well as by the lifestyle choices that we make.  It is also the reason why some scents that we like to smell on others may not smell as good on our own skin.

There is an assumption floating about among biochemical experts that our choice of signature smells depends on which of our four senses – the sense of smell excluded – influences our personality.  A person can either be sight-dominant, taste-dominant, touch-dominant or sound-dominant.  Whatever sense drives our personality more also plays a larger role in our choice as to what our signature scent may be.

The Signature Scent for Sight-Dominant People

People who are sight-dominant are very visual.  They derive pleasure from the things they see more than anything else, and they often can describe the things they see with vivid accuracy.  Such people are often very energetic and full of life.

The signature scent for most sight-dominant people is either floral or fruity.  Such a scent gives off a lot of energy, and such energy matches the florid personality of a sight-dominant person more than any other.

The Signature Scent for Taste-Dominant People

Food plays an important role in the lives of taste-dominant people.  They do not eat food just for the sake of eating; every bite they take in is chewed slowly and savored for each and every distinguishing taste registered on their tongue.  Taste-dominant people are gourmets and epicureans – they get their pleasure from eating exquisite food.  They see food more than just a way to nourish bodies, and neither do they see it as something to be abused.  They have a healthy respect for food.

Such people who are taste-dominant often go for signature scents that have a hint of the aroma of food in them.  It is not surprising for them to choose to wear perfumes made from vanilla or chocolate, or from fruits like oranges and strawberries.  They find such scents delicious.

The Signature Scent of Touch-Dominant People

Touch-dominant people love getting in close contact with other people.  Whenever they talk, they often hold the arm or the hand of the person they are talking to just to make sure that they have that person’s attention.  They are also creatures of comfort.  They love soft things and warm things.  Touching silk or velvet with their bare fingers or letting their feet sink in the sand bring so much pleasure to them.  More often than not, they also have pets that they adore so much.

Such touch-dominant people are often attracted to the warm scents like musk, sandalwood or amber.  Perfumes made from these bases appeal to touch-dominant people because of their innate heat and the intimacy they imply.  Soft, warm and comforting scents are the signature scents of touch-dominant people.

The Signature Scent of Sound-Dominant People

People who are sound-dominant tend to love music to a fault.  They can recognize the intricacies of rhythm and melody and translate it, just like one would translate a foreign language.  They also love to talk, but they love to listen just as much as they love to talk, simply because they like hearing nuances in other people’s voices.  Such people are also great at mimicking sounds or impersonating the way another person speaks.

The signature scents suited to sound-dominant people are spicy scents or oriental scents, made with not just spices but also with exotic flowers like the lotus or the jasmine.  Such a scent has layers upon layers of complexities in it, and it suits a person who can strip away layers from something as complicated as sound.

Each person has a different signature scent.  What is yours?

Liposuction – Reshaping The Buttocks

While men tend to gain weight around the waist, women tend to gain it in the buttocks. The procedure known as liposuction can make you smile instead of groaning when looking in the mirror.

Liposuction – Reshaping The Buttocks

The buttocks are one of the first areas to go out of shape on both sexes, but with women in particular. Exercise is supposed to help, particularly squats. If you have done squats, however, you know they can be brutal and leave your knees feeling 100 years old. Dieting also seems to have no effect. If you are in this situation, liposuction may offer a solution.  

Anatomically, the buttocks act as a protective fatty pad that allows each of us to sit and balance. Given this pedestrian fact, it is somewhat surprising that they have been the objects of attraction since the dawn of civilization. The Greeks in particular produced numerous statues and paintings prominently featuring the buttocks as the aesthetic of the art. They even had a word to describe the perfect buttocks: callipygian, which came from the Greek words for “beautiful” and “rump”. As you know, this positive view carries on today although the size of the rump is a question for many.

There are a variety of reasons to consider liposuction on the buttocks. Some people wish for a reduction in size and shape of their buttocks, as they feel the area is too large. Others want more sculpted buttocks to show off, either in pants, dresses, bathing suits or in the buff. One problem area of the buttocks includes the sacral fat pad, a bulge of fatty material located just above the buttocks in the lower back area. Surgeons consider this pad to actually be part of the buttocks, and liposuction can remove unsightly excesses in the area.

Another problem area on the buttocks is the “banana-shaped bulge”, located just below the buttocks above where the hip meets the buttock area. This bulge can also be removed with liposuction procedures. Doctors will use a small cannula when working on the area, as larger tubing can cause ripples and bumps in the buttocks. Obviously, you do not want people to have the words “ripples” or “bumps” come to mind when looking at you. A third area people look to address is the crease in the horizontal plain of the buttocks to create a more defined look. Unfortunately, this is not possible with plastic surgery as the bone, nerves and muscles prevent shaping. Those attempting to undertake the procedure risk reoccurring pain and nerve damage.

Whatever your reason or goal, liposuction can provide stunning results that will leave you smiling. Make sure to select a plastic surgeon with experience performing the procedure, as this type of surgery has a definite artistic bent to it. You are strongly encouraged to view before and after pictures with the surgeon to get an idea of what you can reasonably expect in your situation.

Diamond is Forever and Eternity

Diamond is perceived as the most precious of all precious stones and is peerless.  It is a woman’s best friend and a symbol of love.  It shines and glitters and symbolizes purity and strength.

In ancient times, a diamond was considered to be a sign of magic, sanctity, healing, energy, happiness, beauty, and longevity when used, but the saying goes that a diamond is poison when consumed.  It was known for its goodness and power to remove all evil.  In today’s world, a diamond is regarded as a status symbol, an ornament of beauty worn by the rich and depicts a luxurious lifestyle.

A diamond is forever.  You would have heard this.  The reason for this saying is because it is the hardest natural material and very difficult to break.  It is also a good conductor of heat and a nonconductor of electricity.  It is another form of dark carbon.

Time was when diamond jewelry was only seen in royal portraits or in the beautifully designed catalogues and books.  Today, sales of diamonds have taken a dramatic upward turn with branded diamond jewelry being available to millions of women. This treasured stone of romance and power has become very popular over the centuries.

A diamond is available in all shapes and colors, in fact more so than other gems. The weight measurement of a diamond is the ‘carat’.  The larger the diamond, the more the carat.   Big sized diamonds are a rarity and the value increases as the size gets bigger.

Diamond jewelry is the most expensive types of jewelry.  Diamond pendants and rings are a craze, especially engagement rings.  Diamonds are usually set in gold, white gold, silver, or platinum, the latter being more expensive.  The combination of pearls and diamonds is a delight to the eyes.

“The rarest things in the world, next to a spirit of discernment, are diamonds and pearls.”
By ~Jean de la Bruyere

There are several innovative ways that diamonds are being used, which includes imbedding them in watches too.  These watches though expensive are a great gift for big occasions for loved ones when you are on the lookout for expensive gifts.

Grading of diamonds is something the one needs to know.  The colors are graded from D to Z, with the lesser color being higher in value.   Color D is the rarest and is colorless with a blue tinge.  Since colors filter light, the reflected light is less than a colorless diamond.

For the sake of some light hearted talk on diamonds, lets delve into some superstitions that were prevalent earlier on.  Diamonds that have a red or yellow hue were thought to be good for a king, because they were considered auspicious.  

The white hued diamond was said to be perfect for anything religious or spiritual. The yellow hued one was said to be the one for prosperity and success.  Black hue was thought to be suitable for those that are in smaller jobs.

Women who wanted to give birth to sons were asked to wear a white diamond with a small black hue.  It was also stressed that one should never wear a blemished diamond as it brings bad luck to the person wearing it.  

All these may sound like unbelievable superstitions to the nonbeliever, but these were followed quite strictly earlier.  But then if you go to see, even in the modern world, in some countries, many people will not wear a diamond unless they get it checked to see if it is the right one for them.

Interesting facts aren’t they.  A diamond has an indescribable aura surrounding it, and it is fascinating to learn about it.

Chemical Compounds in Sunscreen

The Sunscreen Marketplace

I was surprised to learn that the sunscreen market is as big as it is. About 4 billion dollars a year are spent on sunscreens. However, In America people are not adequately protecting themselves. Sixty percent of Americans actively seek a tan, less than 30 percent use sunscreen while on vacation, and less than 20 percent use sunscreen year round. But times are changing. Americans are becoming more aware of the dangers of exposure to the sun and its links to Cancer and premature aging. But are most people getting protection from the sun with their sunscreen products, and are they safe? The Environmental Working Group claims that more than 84 percent of sunscreen lotions with high SPF levels actually failed to protect sunbathers against all harmful rays, they quickly lose their effectiveness, or their chemical ingredients do more harm than good.

The Aging Process and what it has to do with Sun Care Products

I had no idea that the sun contributes so much to aging. It accounts for ninety percent of the visual signs of aging. There are three forms of identifiable rays. They are UVA, UVB and UBC. UVC rays are prevented from reaching earth by the ozone layer. That is one reason why the ozone layer is so important. UVB rays are medium rays. They penetrate the ozone layer and bounce off the surface of the skin. They burn the skin and cause skin cancer. UVA rays are the longest rays. They also penetrate the ozone layer. Then they penetrate the surface of the skin and destroy collagen and elastin underneath the skin's surface. These are the rays that cause wrinkles, sagging and aging.

It is important when looking for sunscreen products, to choose those that provide protection against UVA and UVB rays. You need to protect the surface of the skin and underneath the skin. Keeping the collagen and elastin intact will keep the surface of the skin safe from burning rays and Cancer causing rays.

The dangers involved in using most brands of Sun Care Products and the dangers of exposure to the sun

A big problem with the sun care industry is that in their attempt to provide higher SPF levels, they have had to increase the chemical compounds in sunscreen to allow prolonged safe exposure to the suns rays. A team of experts from the University of Southern California has found that sunscreen can do more harm than good once it soaks into the skin, where it actually promotes the harmful compounds it is meant to protect against. The research team found that three commonly ultraviolet (UV) filters -- octomethoxycinnamate, benzophenone 3 and octocrylene eventually soak into the deeper layers of the skin after their application leaving the top skin layers vulnerable to sun damage. UV rays absorbed by the skin can generate harmful compounds called reactive oxygen species (ROS) which can cause Skin Cancer and premature aging. The researchers found that once the filters in sun screen soaked into the lower layer of the skin, the filters react with UV light to create more damaging ROS. Many of the top name brands fall into this category.

The Solution

In America there is a total of seven ingredients banned from skin care products because they are considered unsafe. In Europe over one thousand ingredients are banned. So I decided the best place to find heathy skin care would be in Europe. I began to look for Pure, Safe sunscreen products with no chemicals, find out what kind of ingredients they use, and what the function of those ingredients are. This is what I discovered:

-They contain safe ingredients for UVA and UVB protection.

-Anti-aging elements to protect the top of the skin as well as the collagen and elastin underneath the skin

-Vitamin C and Magnesium which promotes healthy development of collagen and elastin

-Peptides which are protein strands that enhance the skins own ability to build collagen and elastin.

Friday, February 6, 2015

Signs Of Menopause

All women in their mid 40s and above the age of 50 experience menopause. The complete cessation of a woman’s periods is called menopause. This can be natural or medically induced due to surgery. It can last for a few years. During this time, there are several hormonal changes in a woman’s body. These changes emerge as the signs of menopause. There are several signs of menopause like severe mood changes, bad temper and dejection. Physically too, a woman’s body undergoes several changes.

Women experience a decrease in bone density with the onset of menopause. The calcium absorption of the body reduces. This results in repeated fractures and brittle nails that can be a sign of menopause. Women must therefore supplement their diet with dairy products. They must stop or reduce the intake of tea and coffee.

Dry skin is another sign of menopause. It is partly due to aging and exposure to the sun. A generous use of moisturizers can solve this problem. A woman can experience sudden hot flushes and break out in sweat. At night, the same hot flushes can disrupt sleep resulting in restlessness. These flushes are because of restriction of blood vessels. This can make the menopausal woman feel tired and sapped of energy all the time.

Urinary incontinence is also a sign of menopause. Because of changes in hormones, the tissues of the body lose their elasticity causing loss of control over the bladder. A menopausal woman can experience vaginal dryness and loss of interest in sexual matters.

After the age of 50, a woman must get a regular check up of her cholesterol levels. Increased cholesterol level can be a sign of menopause. A woman must exercise control over her diet and include green vegetables in her diet.

Many signs of menopause like falling hair or stiff joints can be confused with those of aging. However, it is a result of reduced production of estrogen and progesterone hormones. One can even have sudden excess hair growth due to over production of testosterone.

Some women have trouble in remembering things. This loss of memory can be a sign of menopause. Women become oversensitive and seem to cry at the slightest provocation. They feel left out and lonely. These changes in mental attitude are due to menopause.

Menopause is thus a difficult time for most women on the other side of fifty. With a good knowledge of the signs of menopause, one must handle women with greater understanding and sensitivity towards their feelings. Knowledge about the signs of menopause can also be helpful in tackling the problems better.

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