Friday, November 29, 2013

Tummy Tuck Recovery

A tummy tuck is a serious medical procedure that many men and women undergo each year.  Your commitment to recovery and self-care will ensure that your body has the best chance for full recovery.  Following your physician’s instructions for post-operative care is the most important thing you can do for tummy tuck recovery.

After your tummy tuck, you will rest in a recovery room, or you might even be admitted to the hospital overnight.  In either case, your physician will be monitoring you as you come out of general anesthesia, or the local anesthesia wears off.

You will have swelling in the abdominal area, and it will be sore.  You will be given antibiotics and painkillers to assist in your tummy tuck recovery.  It is important that you communicate any allergies you have and any other vitamins, herbs or medications you take so that the medications prescribed for your recovery will be right for you.  As with all antibiotics, it is important to take the full course of medicine, as prescribed.

Once you are released, most physicians will prescribe two to three days of bed rest.  While they may seem like three very long days, it is crucial for your tummy tuck recovery that you follow your surgeon’s instructions.  If possible, have a friend or family member stay with you for those initial days at home so that they can help you and keep an eye on you as you recover.  You will receive personalized instructions on medication, compression, elevation and rest during this time.  Your physician may even be able to give you advice on ways to minimize scarring.

After your initial tummy tuck recovery, you will slowly be able to return to your normal activities.  Your level of fitness will ultimately determine how long your tummy tuck recovery takes.  For most people, it takes about 6 months for full recovery.  After your initial weeks of recovery, your physician will prescribe a diet and exercise routine to follow for optimal tummy tuck recovery.  At any time, it is important to call your surgeon’s office if you experience excessive pain, swelling or bleeding. The office will be able to make suggestions, or schedule an appointment if necessary.

After your recovery is complete, scar tissue will continue to fade and your abdomen will have the flat, tight look that you desire.  Great results are typically visible about 8 months after the operation.

Real Life Diet Tips

Are you tired of diet tips handed out by someone with apparently unlimited income and time? For some of us, it may just not be practical to spend half of our Sunday preparing carefully portioned meals for the rest of the week, or financially feasible to buy all our meals prepackaged in just the right portions. And there are those of us who cringe at the thought of weighing food to achieve 'optimal portion sizes'. Here are ten real life diet tips for the rest of us.

1. Eating out? Restaurant portions tend to be enormous, and if it's on the plate, we tend to eat it. If it's possible, order from the kid’s menu, where portions are more reasonably sized.

2. Keep healthy snacks around and easily accessible. A bowl of fruit on the kitchen table, a container of celery or carrot sticks in the refrigerator, or a couple of pop-open cans of fruit salad in your desk at work will help you grab for something healthy when those first hunger pains begin. In other words, you'll be more likely to grab something low-calorie and good for you if it's easy to eat.

3. Substitute frozen vegetables for canned. Canned veggies tend to be high in sodium, which you don't need, and low in real nutrition, which you do. Buy economy size bags with zip closures to make it easy to pour out a single serving for a meal.

4. Buy a vegetable steamer. Steaming is one of the healthiest ways to cook vegetables. The food retains nearly all of its natural nutrients instead of leaching it out into the cooking water. Even better, it makes your veggies taste great - which means you'll be more likely to eat them instead of filling up on fatty foods that pack on weight.

5. Never eat standing up. One of the easiest ways to sabotage your diet is to 'eat without thinking'. Treat eating with the respect that it deserves. Fix yourself a plate. Sit down and eat properly. You'll be less likely to just pop food into your mouth without paying attention.

6. Spread your meals out. When you eat three meals a day, your body tends to store whatever it doesn't need right that moment. By adopting a 'grazing' habit, you'll keep your metabolism working throughout the day. Have a small breakfast, a piece of fruit with crackers or toast at mid-morning, a light lunch and an 'after school snack' mid-afternoon. Just remember that you're breaking up the same amount of food into smaller meals, not ADDING more food into your daily diet.

7. Grab a fruit juice or flavored water instead of soda. Soda is nothing but empty calories. No nutrients, lots of sugar. Instead, grab a bottle of 100% fruit juice, or water flavored with a spritz of fruit.

8. Drink water. Even the FDA recommends at least 8 full 8 ounce glasses of water a day to keep your body working right. When you're dieting, you should drink even more. It's not just that full feeling - water helps your body digest foods properly and cleans out your system.

9. Can't afford a gym membership? Make a pact with friends to exercise together. Make a date at least three times a week to play volleyball, take a walk or spend half an hour doing something active.

10. Skip the potato chips. Fatty snacks fried in hydrogenated oil like potato chips contribute fat and calories and not much else. Instead, grab a handful of dried fruit or a cup of yogurt for the same amount of calories and a lot more nutritional benefit.

Calorie Burning Tips

These are just a few habits you can embrace to start revving your metabolism right away. You may have heard stories about people who have lost dozens of pounds simply switching to diet soda or walking a few minutes each day. These are all small habits that contribute to a big difference and increase your metabolism over time.  You will make weight loss quicker and easier by increasing your metabolic rate and burning more calories.

1) Move More

Sedentary people burn about one-third less calories per day.  By simply taking every opportunity to move can make quite a dramatic difference to the amount of calories you burn in one day. Small movements will add up over time to lots of calories.  The trick is to keep moving throughout your day. Write the word ‘move’ on post-it notes and put them in places you’ll notice them when you’re sitting still. Then, take every opportunity to move – here’s some ideas for burning extra calories:

Tap your feet
Swing your legs
Stand up and stretch
Move your head from side to side
Change position
Wriggle and fidget
Pace up and down
Use the restroom upstairs
Park in the furthest corner of the parking lot
Stand up when you’re on the phone and step from side to side
Clench and release your muscles

2) Eat Little and Often

Evidence suggests that eating small meals every 2-4 hours will keep your metabolism burning faster than larger, less frequent meals. When you eat small amounts often your body is constantly working to digest and absorb food which requires energy.

3) Eat Fat

If you want feel good and keep the fat off you need to first put it in.  Fat not only tastes good our bodies need it to work efficiently.  By consuming several servings of ‘healthy’ fats every day you will actually increase your calorie burning potential.  Try incorporating fats like Flaxseed oil, hempseed oil, olive oil, avocados, salmon, albacore tuna, nuts and seeds into your diet daily.

4) Drink Cold Water

Evidence shows that your body might expend more calories trying to raise cold water to the temperature of your body then hot beverages. And overall being well hydrated will help your body’s metabolic processes burn quicker.

5) Exercise With Weights

Training with weights boosts your metabolism in a number of ways. By lifting weights you will build muscle tissue. And muscle tissue is metabolically active, so it requires calories even when at rest and so it helps to increase fat-burning enzymes in your body.

6) Spice up

Eating hot spices might speed up your metabolism.  Just half a teaspoon of cinnamon per day can help boost metabolism and keep blood sugar levels in check. Can’t stand the thought of cinnamon in your morning cup of coffee? Spice up with cayenne, crushed red pepper or wasabi.

7) Eat More Protein

Protein requires a more complex chemical breakdown by your body in order to be digested and used as fuel. For example, 100 calories of protein may take up to 30 calories to process.   Protein also takes longer to digest and helps to stabilize blood sugar for longer periods of time  and this can help you to not overeat later in the day.  Eat a portion of protein at every meal and as part of your snacks and you will increase the total number of calories you burn each day.

Simple Steps To Lose Body Fat

What Does It Take To Lose Body Fat?

To lose body fat, you need to incorporate sheer simplicity, plus ultimate science because understanding how to lose body fat comprises your awareness of BOTH concepts. Now is the time to prepare your heart and mind for non-stop challenge, consistent focus, and utmost care.

You are here seeking some viable remedy, correct? Our time together here is far more worthwhile if I just go ahead and tell you, right now, what it takes to lose body fat. In a nutshell, your biggest key is mental preparedness. Yep. That's the biggie!

As soon as you discover how to convince your mind to issue "lose body fat" commands, you are well on your way to fitness success. To lose body fat, then, is a quite simple matter. Ye, of course, the difficulty you may face lies in your initial THINKING, then the reality of DOING.

There are a few things you will have to do in order to lose body fat. If and when you are willing and ready to do these things, you are SURE to lose body fat, without question.


Does It Really Pay To Seek A Short Cut To Lose-Body-Fat Satisfaction?

After you spin yourself virtually all the way around in a lose-body-fat circle by asking questions from sources that either really don't know the truth, or even worse, only care to tell whatever it takes to separate you from your checkbook, credit card, or wallet -- the simplicity and long-time duality of how to lose body fat remains unchanged. Ease versus complexity... long way around versus short-cut solution.

Somebody or someone (meaning YOU) has to do the work! You want to lose body fat, that's why you're here. So, your body needs to engage required, time proven, professional principles that prove themselves for you over and again. In short, to lose body fat you clearly build independence, self-assuredness, confidence, and other lose-body-fat skills that surprisingly emanate from your mental intellectual potential rather than merely your present physical ability.


Simply do these three things to lose body fat:

ONE: Once and for all, learn how to find out your daily caloric consumption AND your energy expenditure numbers. Both of these numbers are absolutely crucial because they tell you exactly what your body is doing, right down to the very calorie. Once this calculation process becomes second nature to you, full control of the amount of body fat you carry lay right in the palms of your very hands.

In other words, you can shape your "lose-body-fat" fortune and alter your lean body appearance almost exactly how you want it to be.

TWO: Work out for the most part, using much more drive and intensity than you ever have before in your entire life! I say this to you primarily because of 1) remotely conscious human tendencies that we all have toward relaxation and taking the easy way out of a challenging situation rather than facing and conquering its root cause, plus 2) endorsed exercise science knowledge says that performing at higher thresholds gives you life-extending benefits and burns higher amounts of calories from excess body fat. So, to enormously yet safely lose body fat, begin to train yourself towards high intensity interval exercise.

You may burn twice as many calories as you did before, plus feel better and look better, too.

THREE: Lastly, know that the entire weight-loss-lose-body-fat scenario revolves around one, vital and never-changing concept: Being overweight, thus, needing to lose body fat, remains a direct result of eating too much food and not getting enough exercise. Now, with this last one, allow me to isolate your biggest probable obstacle. The number one problem is that you hear this very same lose-body-fat news so much and so often that your brain instantly goes into SHUT-DOWN or shut-off mode. That is, the tendency to assume the "I've Been There Before, Heard It All Before, Done It All Before, and It Never Works for Me" syndrome kicks in immediately.

The solution? Put on some new "lose body fat" ears today, starting right now. Allow yourself to hear the deeper gist this message carries. Cease to dismiss the seemingly small yet crucial matters that make the difference between your continued frustration and your lose body fat reward.

If you need any kind of help whatsoever, just contact us because 1) we care, and 2) lose-body-fat assistance online is both professional and affordable. So, don't worry yourself about spending lots of money to lose body fat.

Understanding the true meaning of what it takes to lose body fat requires acceptance, open ears, and action. So, learn your personalized details, do the required work, plus know confidently and securely almost all about what it takes to lose body fat.

Building Muscle

It seems like steroids are everywhere you turn your head these days. On the news, in most sporting circles, in high schools, on the street, in foreign drug rings, and on and on. It’s amazing what people think they know and really don’t know about building muscle. While most people are probably getting sick of it, I for one and glad that this is happening. I as a bodybuilder think that it is about time that this became “dinner table” talk because people’s perceptions really need to be changed in order for this sport that I love to be a legitimate endeavor.

Building muscle is a very complicated and often abused activity. I believe there are good and bad reasons for doing it. Human strength and the muscular body are amazing and beautiful things, in my opinion, but only if it takes hard work to do it and only if it is done in a healthy way. Pushing the limits of human performance in athletics is awesome and a great motivator for people to stay healthy and fit, but the problem is that these have stopped being the prime movers in the “business” of sports. The whole problem is that is has become a business and whenever money becomes the motivation the dark side starts creeping in.

It is amazing what people will do for power whether it is prestige, or wealth, or popularity, or visibility, or whatever. All that happens is that people get hurt and the sport is denigrated and ends up losing the respect and all of the above things that people are craving when they become involved in it. I mean come on can it be that fun to be better than everyone else, when it means that you have to resort to cheating to do it? Aren’t the best things in life those things that don’t come easy? And since when did the risk of death become worth it to so many people in exchange for a few fleeting moments of “respect” that you’re give? Well I want to be the first to tell you that all people who spend a lot of time building muscle are vain.

Why do I spend lots of time building muscle? Well for one thing it is a healthy thing to do when done correctly. It protects you from all sorts of injuries and pains. It keeps you fit as muscle is one of the best metabolizers in your body. It makes your bones strong, it protects your joints, it gives you good balance and control of your body, it allows you to do activities that you enjoy for longer. It also has positive effects on you mental health. It gives you a sense of accomplishment, it elevates your mood, makes you more confident, gives you the same kind of high that a runner gets by releasing natural endorphins, etc.

So by all means get into sports and get strong but do it for the right reasons and in the right ways or you are going to end up exactly where you don’t want to be—an object of scorn and ridicule and lying on your back in a hospital bed.

Why Flyer Is A Good Choice

Well talking about flyers, compare to other advertising tool such as posters, banners, catalogs, booklets, etc. a flyer is also one of the great way to communicate. In a sense that you can send flyers through mail, you can post flyers in strategic locations, you can give a copy of your flyer for every customer who walks in and walks out in your business establishment or you can hand out a flyer to the passing customers, and if you are really determined, you can get some volunteers to pass some out of your flyers at the local mall or shopping area. You can easily spread them around.

The good thing about these flyers is that they are a quick and easy tool for relaying information to your target consumer. Not only that, a single flyer is easy to create and inexpensive to produce. For those who do not know what a flyer is, a flyer is normally a single sheet document printed in one or two colors or in a full color process. A flyer acts as communication between you and the reader, letting the reader know what you can do for them. Flyer also represents you, so, it is vital that you should do it or create it in a best possible way.

A flyer printing is the process you will utilize in order for you to create good and attractive flyers. Flyer printing is a common practice for business and personal events. A good flyer printing is the one that can easily capture the attention of the target consumer. For you to able to get the attention of your target consumer, your flyer must have a bold captions and an interesting design.

Marketing research has shown that distributing full color flyers is more effective than sending flyers printed in one or two colors. If you are onto full color flyer printing also known as digital flyers, one way of doing it, quick and easy is through Digital Flyer Printing.

The digital flyer printing is the new or advance process that made printing process more efficient and less expensive. Listed are several reasons why digital printing is the right choice:

Digital images are more portable and last longer
Transferring images is easy via email, floppy disk or CD-ROM.
Setup costs are low allowing shorter runs.
Digital manipulation of images can be done by the printer eliminating delays.

Now that you have the idea of what a digital flyer printing is the choice is yours. There are many printing companies that are available to help and assist you, if you are having trouble creating your own flyers. Find the best printing company that can help you and at the same time help your business be the best.

Making A Visible Business Cards

Business cards are very important part of a first impression when you are in business. These business cards can be able to help to promote your business some says that it is a valuable promotion tool. However, in reality, most business cards only do half the marketing job.

It is true that no business person could live without of having a business card to hand to prospective clients or customers. Because for them, handing out a business card is so much easier than writing out all your contact information for a person you've just met.

Making a good and well designed business card I think is one of the important things to consider. There are many innovative ways in order to make your business card to be attractive and worth to keep for. By making your business card a marketing vehicle is one way of making it visible. Instead of the traditional business card, why not try get your contact information printed on something that people might leave in plain sight; something that will remind them of you and your services or products whenever they look at it. Why not make it message pads, coasters, mouse pads or even make it as fridge magnets. The choice of your business card design is limited only by your imagination. By making it easy for people to remember you by using more unusual designs and styles on your business card is a smart investment.

Further, in case of fonts, try not to combine fonts when you design your business card. This basically gives a busy and confusing look to the card. Remember, you are dealing in a small space, and you don't want the card to look crowded. It should be easy on the eyes. It is always recommended that you must limit your text sizes to two or three sizes maximum. By keeping some consistency in the text of your card, you have more room for creativity in the overall artwork and design.

Nowadays, there are lots of printing companies available that have a business card printing service. They can guide you on your creation of your business card. They have a group of designers that can help you conceptualize the design of your card. However, having them do your business card entails money, if you can't afford their service fee there is another way. Printing your own business cards using Microsoft Word can be a very inexpensive choice. Yes, you read it right! If you have Microsoft Office, you can easily create your own custom business cards in Microsoft Word.

To create business cards in Microsoft Word is easy as 1, 2, 3. First step, in a blank document open in Word, choose Tools|Letters and Mailings|Envelopes and Labels. Click the Labels tab and then click Options. Second step, in the Label Options dialog, make sure the drop-down says Avery Standard and then scroll the Product Number down to 5371. Click OK. Third step, back in the Envelopes and Labels dialog box, make sure under Print, it says full page of the Same Label. Then click New Document. A table appears with a bunch of 2 inch x 3.5 inch cells. Now you can start setting up your first business card. There you have it! Quick and easy business cards right from Microsoft Word.

AdsenseEmpire for you

Please pardon us if this letter doesn’t sound all slick and hyped-up—we’re not professional marketers, like many of the so-called gurus you see on late-night TV, or on the internet. In fact, you’ve probably never heard of us. That’s because we’re just a couple of real guys, like you. We’ve played around on the internet, noodling with sites, for years.

There’s just one out-of-the-ordinary thing about us: we're real guys who’ve stumbled onto an amazingly simple system for making BIG money online. Our system is so simple, in fact, that ANYONE can do it and it only takes a few hours a week! This isn’t rocket science—it’s something even high-school drop-outs can do!

Our system is safe, it's simple, and it's remarkably powerful. And yes, YOU can easily learn it.It’s not complicated! It’s called Google Adsense. If you learn to leverage the power of Google Adsense You could be down at your bank cashing a check for €3,000 €5,000, €10,000 -- or even more -- in 28 DAYS or LESS! Picture yourself standing at the teller’s window, handing her the check, and getting all those €100 bills counted out right into your hand. Feels good, doesn’t it?

Hey, we know it’s hard to believe you could make this kind of money working only a few hours a week. But it’s all true! Don’t take our word for it, listen to Rick, a 27-year-old guy who got laid off from his tech job and put Google Adsense system to the test and used it to create his own wealth and freedom.

Exciting isn’t it?

What could YOU do with €1,000, €2,000, €3,000 or MORE in extra money coming in like clockwork each and every month from using our system? Would you…

* Pay off that credit card balance that’s been hanging over your head?
* Buy that new sports car you’ve been wanting? You know the one!
* Upgrade the kitchen in your house, or buy a new whole new home?
* Finally take a real vacation—not just to a nearby city, but to the Caribbean?
* Get rid of your student loans?
* Help your mom, dad, siblings, or friends out financially?
* Donate to your favorite charity?
* Maybe even quit that job you hate and never have to sit in a cubicle again?!

Totally Amazing But True:
Google Will Send You Checks In The Mail Just For Using Their Adsense Program! You Can Create Killer Content That Draws Thousands Of Hits A Day To Your Site Using Simple Tools! Users Click On The Ads, You Get Checks. It’s That Easy!

By now you might be wondering, Yeah, sure, it sounds good but if this system of yours is such a money-maker, why are you taking time out from it to teach this course? Why aren’t you out there using your system to keep on making money?

That’s a perfectly valid question!

For me, it’s that I've always wanted to teach. The deep-down satisfaction I gets from mentoring others touches my heart in a truly special way. And, quite honestly, I've made enough money that I can easily afford to indulge this dream of teaching now. I don't like people to know this, but I keep a little shoebox on internet marketing on my desk with letters from my successful students, like Jack, and every week I reads them because they keep him going…and they make me smile.

And now, it’s time for you to stop dreaming and start forging your own reality of SUCCESS TODAY by using our brand new program:

Your Guide to Google Adsense Profits:
How You can Make a Fortune Online with Google Adsense!

This powerful training course contains everything you need to know  and I do mean EVERYTHING so you can start making dramatic profits from Google Adsense FAST!

You'll learn:

* How YOU can get Google to stream ads onto your website for free.
* How Google Adsense ads are specially selected to match your site’s topic.
* How YOU earn money every time a visitor to your site clicks on one of the ads.
* The difference between putting ads where they’ll be seen on your site and where they’ll be overlooked—would you believe it can make the difference in a click-through rate of 2.3% versus 40%???
* How YOU can get killer content for your site that you don’t have to write yourself!
 * How YOU can use a few simple tools to direct massive amounts of traffic to your site.
 * How YOU can automate your content, yet avoid being blacklisted by the major search engines for doing so.
 * The secrets of keyword-rich content—what it means, what it does, how to get it!
 * How YOU can figure out which keywords will bring you the most money!
* Plus, much, much more!

Finally--your big chance to learn from real people just like you who have been using these systems to make a fortune with Google Adsense!

Downsizing and layoffs have left thousands of tech-savvy people just like you without incomes or jobs. Don’t let it happen to you! Learn how a few simple, easy steps can help you

* Build your nest egg
* Get out of debt
* Give yourself the confidence to never worry about losing your job
* Become the captain of your own financial life!

Try and enjoy a new life

Telemarketers Don't Like Them?

Telemarketers... ooohhh... I'll bet we've all got a nice story to tell about these guys & gals don't we? Well here's a story i'll never forget and I'll show you how to turn a sales call into a sale for you!
So I'm sitting in my office one day and mind you at the moment I didn't have a helper to screen my call for me and don't you know it, I get a telemarketer.

See, I used to be in a few network marketing programs and I know how hard it is to get rejections on the phone. Some of us take it very personal and some just don't care. But I assert you this, whichever one you are, cold calling isn't an easy business.

When someone calls me to sell me something I will only talk to them if they too will listen to a promotion I'm offering, only fair right? You'd be amazed at how many won't listen to you so why would you listen to them?

I make it a point to tell them that my specialty is promoting and if they want to have any of my time, they will have to listen to me 1st. No exceptions.

So one day, I get this call from this really nice guy who completely understood my deal and accepted to hear what I had to say. Usually, I will pick one of my clients and and only promote that one client to the other person on the phone. Trying to promote 2 or more at a time is like road kill, you don't want to confuse the other person.

With this conversation on the phone with this telemarketer I explain to him that I have a client in the Transport industry and he deals with all kinds of shipping services. What I usually do is ask the other person on the phone if he can recall anyone who mentioned to him that they needed to ship something!!!

With that, this gentlemen on the phone says "I'm actually looking into shipping a small package overseas". Now, I'm fully aware that he can just say whatever he wants and possibly get me to finally listen to him so I immediately conferenced him with the transport company to give them his contact information so that they can send him an information package.

Once the call was complete, I returned the favor for allowing me to discuss one of the promotions my company was taking care of and asked the gentlemen to explain what it was he was calling for. It turns out that he was trying to sell a magazine subscription for health issues. I told him that I wasn't interested but I had a client who was in the health industry so I gave this gentlemen my clients information to contact him

Going back to the transport company, it turned out that the telemarketer actually did take their services and in return the owner of the transport company took a year subscription of the health magazine I told you about!

Now that's not often it happens like the way it did but just remember that telemarketers are people as well and they too also know other people. There's a great book that I feel is of the best on this type of promoting and anyone committed to their sales should read it...

It's called: Endless Referrals By: Bob Burg

"A must read".

So next time a telemarketer calls you, you'll know what to do and if they reject hearing your offer, be kind and let them go!

Hope you've enjoyed my story!

Surveys Matter

A survey conducted in the United States by Harris Interactive, found that nine out of ten American adults believe that sending text messages or emails while driving is not only dangerous but should be outlawed.   The study, which was conducted by the Mobile messaging service Pinger, Inc., also found that most drivers consider text messaging while driving to be as dangerous as driving drunk.

Even though most respondents thought texting while driving was extremely dangerous.  Sixty six percent admitted to reading text messages while driving.  Of those 66 percent, 57 percent said they had also sent text messages or emails while operating a car.

The survey also revealed that "64 percent of adults who admitted to sending text messages while driving were between the ages of 18 and 34, while only 6 percent were 55 or older."  As far as who is sending the most text messages while driving.  The study showed that "men and women sent text messages while driving at equal rates."

This study illustrates a very interesting point, about a hot topic.   With states like Washington, New York, California and Florida considering legislation on banning texting while driving.  There’s no doubt that this study will have an impact on the debate.

I find surveys to be fascinating.  They not only tell us about the world around us, but they also can be used as a guide.   They open an avenue to peoples thoughts and opinions.  It’s hard not to be drawn into an article, once you’ve noticed that it contains a poll or survey.   A survey offers a snapshot into the mind of a demographic, race or any other type of group.   The information gleaned from these surveys can help in every aspect of life.  Politics, charities, religions, and businesses can all benefit from this type of information gathering.  Surveys can be crucial in any sphere but the one I want to talk about is the business sphere.

In the business world the need for surveys is clear.  Companies should utilizes surveys whether they be online, telephone or written.  A company that uses surveys to understand it’s customers is a company that is striving to improve it’s business and it’s bottom line.   A well structured and thought out survey or poll, can tell an institution, who is buying there products, what they think of these products and what they would like to see in terms of improvement.  On top of that, satisfaction surveys can tell a company what is working and what is not.   Many customers will tell you that they felt a sense contentment when they were contacted by a business and asked about they’re experience with that business.  It provides the consumer with a mouth piece.  With this outlet consumers can not only satisfy themselves, but grant a company a view onto the elusive consumers mindset.

Surveys are not just for consumers.  Employee surveys are equally as valuable to a corporation.  Knowing the attitudes of your employes can save you money by eliminating disgruntled and underperforming workers.  They can also help in product development,  team projects, office efficiency and worker disputes.

Happy employees not only work harder, but often times are willing to work at a business that pays less than a competitor.   A recent study showed that workers were willing to stay at a job that payed less, if that job was more satisfying then a similar job that paid more.  This low worker turnover rate, can be a massive blessing to a business.

Surveys can tell us interesting things about people and places.  But they can be even more helpful in telling us who we are selling to, and who we have working for us.

Do Click Exchanges Really Work?

Yes and No!
First you have to ask yourself: What do I want the click exchange to do for me?
If you want to promote a product or website directly by placing your URL on the click exchange and then surfing like mad to get your site shown once for every two that you see, then the answer is NO!

When you are surfing what are you thinking? Maybe “that’s 20 another 10, and then I’ll get my site seen 10 times for free” etc, what do you think everyone else is thinking? The same!

So let’s look at this logically: Who’s surfing click exchanges? Answer: Other internet marketers that are trying to get more free visitors to their sites in order to sell them a product or concept. Right?

When you’re surfing what do you want?
Answer: More free advertising. Right?
So wouldn’t it make sense to offer other marketers more free advertising and customers? Of course it would!

How can we do that? Simply create a webpage on your site that is super lightweight (loads quickly) looks like a bonus or reward page from the exchange you are using, it should have some traffic lights or stop signs etc.

Only have a few words such as CONGRATULATIONS! YOU HAVE WON!  To receive your free report that tells you how to get MORE FREE ADVERTISING and BUILD YOUR LIST! Enter your details here:

It sounds cliché I know, but it’s ethical and you do give them a valuable prize.

That’s all there is to it, that person is automatically emailed a free gift as the first email from your auto responder that is set up just for this purpose. (More on auto responders and free gifts in other articles)

You now have an internet marketer on your mailing list and it isn’t spam.

I’ve found that this works for me; why not give it a go!

Counteract Anxiety Attacks

Sometimes life is hard and can cause you to feel out of control. Does anyone know what I'm talking about? Things are going well for a while and then it seems like out of no where comes something hard and unexpected that throws you into an anxiety attack? I have had this experience all too many times in my adult life, but it wasn't until recently that I began to be aware of the symptoms before they hit so that I could counteract the anxiety attacks.

Anxiety attacks are brought on by many different things and can affect people in vastly different ways. An event that may send someone into an anxiety attack may be handled with ease by another person. There is no telling what will or will not cause an anxiety attack to occur. We can, however, learn our own bodies and responses so that we can be better prepared when anxiety attacks occur.

For me, anxiety attacks seem the most likely when I am dealing with health issues with myself or my family. For some reason, I have always felt anxious about health related issues and potential health problems in the people I care about most. My husband, on the other hand, takes health related issues in stride yet finds himself dealing with anxiety attacks over financial issues that threaten our family. I am so thankful that while anxiety attacks are a normal part of life, that not everyone deals with them the same or gets them at the same time. Can you even imagine a world like that?

I have learned myself pretty well over the years, so that now I know how to counteract anxiety attacks. The biggest thing that I need to do is to get away and get alone. This could mean walking into another room or getting outside for a walk or run. I know that my anxiety attacks are made worse when I am forced to deal with them in front of people. Another key for me in counteracting anxiety attacks is to get active. Taking time regularly to exercise is one of the best methods of stress control and hence anxiety attack prevention for me. The more active I am, the less the little things seem to stress me out.

Figure out the things that cause anxiety attacks in you and look for good ways to counteract them. Your life will be a lot more manageable if you can learn to take things in stride and to not let small things lead to big anxiety attacks. Talk with a doctor or a counselor for more advice.

Andropause and Depression

Andropause correlates directly with depression – a major player in the notorious mid-life crisis period men face in their late 40´s to late 50´s.

There are a wide variety of symptoms and conditions men experience during this mid-life transition – everything from the mental (i.e. irritability) to the physical (loss of libido, lack of energy, and weight gain.) Depression, left untreated, can be a disabling condition.

Andropause depression is due to dropping levels of testosterone. Low testosterone levels cause many depressive symptoms – among them, a general indifference to events surrounding you, the inability to concentrate, extreme irritability, and memory loss.

We might stress over things that might otherwise be worry-free in a normal situation and brood over certain matters. Our memory might go down the drain and we begin to see our lives in a negative light.

Energy levels plummet and enthusiasm for the activities we used to enjoy become flat-lined. Insomnia and restlessness is also a common symptom. Normal everyday things can become a burden to us, and the simplest shout of a child can make us excessively irritable.

Psychologists use a variety of battery tests to figure out whether you suffer from depression. Besides handing you test sheets to work with, they also place you under observation – noticing your behavior, tendencies, and habits while talking to them. Men tend to be rebellious creatures by nature. We love shrugging off our faults and being poised in the midst of emotional trouble. We take on the role as masculine creatures – lion kings of the jungle that reign over the sprawling landscape we call life.

Men can be in full denial when it comes to questions about their sexual ability and prowess. Refusing to understand that we aren’t who we once were with our sexual performance as a result of Andropause is in our blood.

Fellas, it is time to become aware and acquainted with the severity of your depression. Off the bat, there are facts and figures supporting depression as a major problem. For one, 80% of all suicides in the United States are carried out by men.

The majority of people with this condition never seek the advice and counsel of therapists, psychologists, and psychiatrists. Probably the most shocking fact of all is the male suicide rate is highest during the Andropause years. You read correctly – highest during the years we’re specifically talking about.

How do we deal with these devastating changes to our lives? How can we manage stress to reduce the chances of clinical depression? For one, we must follow a daily exercise regimen. That coupled with a caffeine-free diet will boost our immune systems to fight disease. It will also slow down the aging process. Aim to maintain that explosive 30-inch, vertical leap well into your 60s!

Another is doing the activities we love. Don’t stray from playing your pick-up basketball games with buddies or building those go-carts from scratch as a hobby. Stick to them and enjoy the satisfaction of doing so. Distract yourself from your current condition without ignoring it completely.

Maintain a social network of friends and family that will cheer you up when you need it most. Something as simple as having your young child shove a hand drawing of a red school bus in your face can provide for laughs and smiles. The most important piece of advice is to accept your condition and make accommodations. For example, low testosterone levels can easily be supplemented with testosterone cream.

It’s bound to happen to all of us, and you either have the choice of making the best of it or letting it overwhelm you. Awareness is critical, and an optimistic attitude, followed with physical activity and a solid nutritional plan, is the best means of fighting Andropause, anti-aging, and the demon known as depression.

The information in this article is for educational purposes only, and is not intended as medical advice.

Mesothelioma Lawsuits

Mesothelioma Lawsuits are not unique:  As long as there have been environmental factors with impact on our health as well as a legislative system, people have filed lawsuits if the impact has been of a negative kind.

 Mesothelioma is a cancer primarily focused on the cells surrounding the lungs.  This cancer has been associated exclusively with the exposure to asbestos which was commonly used in industrial and residential uses up until the late 1970's.

Thus, the victims of this severe disease have partly been workers of the construction and building industries or any industries where asbestos have been involved, but also ordinary residents of buildings containing this harmful material.  Many people who were exposed to this material have suffered the devastating consequences and have joined together to file meseothelioma related lawsuits against former employers and manufacturers of asbestos.

If you believe you are suffering from this deadly disease you should carefully review the options available to you before deciding to join a joint lawsuit or class-action case.  In many cases these types of lawsuits take years to settle and the victims will actually receive very little of the money, if any, awarded.  Most of the money goes towards lawyer fees and court costs.

When you decide to pursue legal action it is best to start with a local attorney or family attorney if one is available.  Ask them for referrals to other attorneys that handle these types of cases.  They will most often know reputable lawyers who are out to help the victims instead of make profit off of other's suffering.  Remember, lawsuits of this nature may take several years to be resolved.  If you are suffering serious medical problems currently it is strongly recommended that you focus your energy on fighting this awful cancer and worrying about lawsuits after you have regained some of your strength.

Acupressure For The Face

In the last twenty years, alternative medicine from Asia has become popular. Acupressure for the face is a new approach that has come on the scene and is worth discussing.

Acupressure For The Face

Time takes a toll on our bodies, particularly our faces. There is just no hiding the damage of the sun, wrinkles and so on. Many people look to surgical lifts for a solution. Others, however, are nervous about the invasive nature of the surgery, possible side effects or the cost. A possible alternative for those not needing intensive repair is acupressure.

The results that you will get from an acupressure session are not going to be as dramatic or long lasting as those from traditional surgical options. Acupressure procedures are meant to be a holistic, massage-oriented alternative to having surgery, but are not to be considered on the same level. Acupressure is an ancient Chinese art of applying pressure to specific points on your body. This is believed to allow more blood and energy flow to the area that is pressed, which can correspond to other areas of the body. The results of acupressure have been seen for centuries by those practicing this craft.

Facial acupressure takes advantage of pressing these points on the face, and therefore allowing additional blood and oxygen to flow to these areas. This tightens the areas that are being massaged and pressed, leaving the client with a relaxed, youthful look. The facial area is massaged and stimulated with light pressure, which not only improves the facial circulation, but also helps to clean the facial lymph system. This technique also stimulates the underlying collagen of the face, which allows it to loosen and possibly regenerate faster, making the youthful look you get from the acupressure last.

Having an acupressure facial is not considered a medical procedure, but it is a certified practice by the National Certification Board for Therapeutic Massage and Bodywork. It is considered to be more intensive than a traditional facial which is commonly performed by a cosmetician. Some massage therapists will recommend more than one acupressure session to achieve full results, and you will want to consult with your therapist for the best course of action for your face.

Facial procedures are more and more common these days, but there are non-surgical options if you are not ready for the knife just yet. An acupressure session can give you a more youthful glow without surgery or any side effects. You also get the bonus of the relaxing technique of acupressure. It is a great compromise for those who need just a little help in the facial aging department.

Improved Skin Care

Your skin is the first thing that people notice about you and that is why a proper skin care regimen is so important.  There are many products that claim to help improve skin tone and promote a flawless complexion, but the truth is that there is no such thing as instant results.  An effective skin care regimen is one that is done consistently over a time before results will begin to develop.

Skin Care Tip 1:
Always use some type of exfoliation product, which will help to remove old skin cells and other debris and particles from your skin.  This will expose the healthy cells and rid your body from the old ones.

Skin Care Tip 2:
If possible, avoid constant sun exposure and tanning beds.  In addition to being dangerous where health is concerned, these may also lead to early signs of aging.  Everyone loves a suntan, but there is no reason to sacrifice your skin or your health in order to achieve it.  Therefore, many individuals opt for a self-tanning lotion instead.  Back in the day, these products had a tendency to turn the skin orange, but that is no longer the case.  Improvements have helped to give self-tanning products a more natural, streak-free look.  Before applying the lotion to your entire body, apply it to a small test area just to make sure there is no irritation.

Skin Care Tip 3:
If your lips tend to become chapped in the winter months or wind burnt at other times, using lip balm or lipstick will help to protect the lips from nature’s worst.

Skin Care Tip 4:
Dry or cracked skin can be very unbearable.  Not to mention the discomfort of tight red skin, it can be downright embarrassing.  A container of Pacquin Plus hand & body cream will eliminate soreness, redness and help to add moisture back to dry skin.

Skin Care Tip 5:
Do not use products that irritate your skin in any way, including soaps that have harsh ingredients.  If possible, use a moisturizing soap or that which is designed for sensitive skin.
In addition to these tips, skin care products are available as commercial or prescription based treatments.  A dermatologist is often consulted for matters relating to acne or other skin disorders, especially if they are severe.  Many skin care enthusiasts also believe in using plenty of moisturizing body lotion in order to replenish the skin’s natural moisture, which is often stripped in today’s harsh environment.

The information in this article is to be used for informational purposes.  It should not be considered as, or used in conjunction with, professional medical advice.  Consult your doctor prior to beginning any skin care regimen or if you have been diagnosed with any disorder involving the skin.

Home Hair Removal: Techniques To Use Part One

You can successfully remove unwanted hair from your body from home.  If you have thought about products that are overly expensive, laser treatments as well as unsightly treatments, then you may not need to.  There are many at home remedies that actually can help you.

Tips For Shaving

For Men:  One of the best places to shave is the shower.  The goal is to soften the skin which will help the hair to stand up enough for you to get a close shave.  You can also take full advantage of the many products available including gels and creams.  To help, make sure that you use a good quality razor and that you keep it clean and dry between uses.  This will help you to keep cuts to a minimum.  Afterwards, rinse with cold water and if you like use an after shave.

For The Ladies:  Just like the men, there are many things that you can do to improve the quality of your shave.  For example, if you hold the razor at the right angle you will get a closer shave.  Softening the skin with warm water, lotions or shaving gels can also help.  If you would like to cut the costs, use conditioner instead of these creams.  It can do the same job for much less of the cost.  You can shave any area of the body, with most women shaving their legs and underarms about twice per week or more depending on the need.

Tweezing:  Another Option

Using clean tweezers, you can easily pluck away stray hairs or shape the eyebrow.  You should not use them on nose hairs, though as it can cause an infection.  To do so, pull the hair in the same direction as it grows.  You have no need for creams as these can block pores.  In most cases, you can go about two weeks between tweezing sessions.

Depilatories:  Another Option

Here, you’ll want to make sure that you take the time to follow the directions provided on the containers of depilatories.  You need to insure you are not allergic and you need to insure that you pay close attention to the time frame.  If you leave these products on too long or use them when you should not, you are likely to suffer from a rash or burn.  You can use these about every other month to your desired results.  You’ll want to try to use them after you have taken a shower or bath so that the hair is soft and easily removed.

These options for at home hair removal are options that you can easily do and benefit from.  Take the time to learn a little bit more about them, purchase the products needed and get rid of unwanted hair.

Common Herbal Remedies

People have been collecting herbs to use as medicine for centuries.  Many doctors claim however that taking herbs in place of your prescribed medication is not recommended.

There has been a vast amount of information and testing with regard to herbal remedies.  Herbs like vitamins are good for your body and overall health.  Although the exact cause of why herbs have a positive effect on the body is not always known.  Usually, herbs need to be taken over a long period to receive the benefits to you health.

Listed below is information about some common herbal remedies.

Alfalfa has been known to be effective in healing ailments such as gas pains, pain and stiffness from arthritis and ulcers.  Alfalfa herb tea possesses no adverse components and is safe for all people including children.

For relief from upset stomachs, colds, bronchitis, bladder troubles, and jaundice, Chamomile is recommended.  This herb is also helpful in the regulating menstrual cycle's rheumatic pains, and headaches.  Chamomile has also been effective for babies with colic.  In addition, it can act as an insect repellent when used properly.

Dandelion increases activity in the pancreas, liver, and spleen and contains insulin substitutes.  Dandelion has a high vitamin and mineral content that is used for treating kidney and liver disorders, along with skin disease and loss of appetite.

Eucalyptus is a major ingredient in many commercial medicines such as cough and sore throat medications.  These plants also contain oils that are extremely potent antiseptics.  The oil may be applied locally on wounds, sores, and burns.  Eucalyptus can also be used as an insect repellent.

Ginseng has been used for more than 5000 years in the Chinese culture.  This herb strengthens the heart and nervous system.  In addition, it builds up a general mental and physical vitality and may be effective for treating colds, coughs, gout, diabetes, headache, and backache.

Hawthorn is known to cause the dilation of the coronary vessels. An improvement has been shown in patients and is helpful in insomnia. It has been used to treat high blood pressure when taken over a period of time.

A strengthening tonic for the entire system is Strawberry.  It is helpful with diarrhea, night sweats, liver complaints, gout, and jaundice.  Strawberry is used internally for weak intestines and is also used for enema.

The above herbal remedies listed above are general guidelines.  If an herb does not agree with you or if you feel adverse effects, discontinue using the herb.  The information contained in this article is not intended to replace the services of a physician.

Chakra Balancing

Chakra reconciliation is founded on the ancient Amerind impression in a series of 7 chakras, or vigor centers. Chakra is the Sanskrit word for wheel. These vigour centers ar believed to be placed at particular points between the pedestal of the spinal column and the circus tent of the skull. Some esoteric systems include additional chakras, said to extend beyond the tangible consistency into the human auric field. Each chakra is believed to relate to particular organs of the consistence, ailments, colors, elements, and emotions. However, different systems or sources that use the idea of chakras whitethorn disagree about the details.

The conception of chakras plays a key role in two ancient Amerindian language healing systems (ayurvedic medicine and yoga) that popular today. In recent decades, however, many modern therapies (like polarity therapy , therapeutic touch , process acupressure, core energetics, and semblance therapy ) rich person besides incorporated the idea of chakras into their own visions of healing. Various approaches English hawthorn be used to "balance" the chakras. Chakra is believed to promote wellness by maximising the stream of vim in the organic structure, much as a tune-up enables a car to operate on at peak efficiency. Chakras part of the ancient feeling arrangement connected with yoga.

These traditions were handed down orally for thousands of years before being codified by Patanjali in his Yoga Sutras, several centuries before Christ. The ancient healing science of Ayurveda is on a collection of scriptures known as vedas (a Sanskrit word meaning knowledge or wisdom). Ayurveda literally means "life knowledge." It remained the predominant form of care in India until the British colonial government tried to suppress it during the nineteenth century. Over the last half-century, however, a modernized form of has gained considerable popularity in India.

More recently, traditional has been popularized in the West by such high-profile advocates as Deepak Chopra. Balancing the chakras is believed to promote general and well-being by ensuring the free flowing of life push (too known as prana or qi) throughout the physical structure. It is believed that blockages in the current of this vital get-up-and-go will eventually result in mental, emotional, and/or touchable illness. By removing such blockages and Department of Energy menstruation, practitioners said to enable dead body, mind, and spirit to function optimally. Some alternative practitioners, such as medical intuitives, say they can "read" a patient's chakras to detect imbalances and diagnose problems.

This is likewise sometimes done using a pendulum. Just as the various forms of yoga attempt to mediate between the forcible and Negro spiritual realms, so the chakras believed to manoeuver as Energy Department transformers. They often shown as circles, spaced at intervals along the vertebral column, or sometimes as funnels of Energy. Specific chants or sounds with the different chakras used in some yogic meditation practices as tools for healing and apparitional evolution. Each of the VII chakras is said to wealthy person physiological and metaphysical functions that relate to both the nature of the blockages and to the active problems they produce.

Acne free skin through Ayurveda

Acne is a very common skin problem which affects young people at their puberty and few adults till they reach 45. Acne are referred as Youvana pitikas (which means the eruptions of youth) in ayurveda. This shows the prevalence of acne from ages. Ayurveda has described the causes of acne and recommends the best natural herbal acne remedies too.

What causes acne?

A large number of oil producing glands called “sebaceous glands” are present under the skin  on face, back, chest and shoulders. During puberty or menopause due to the influence of the sex hormones, which are produced in male and female, these glands become more active and produce an oily secretion called “sebum”. The sebum makes the skin more oily .The excessive sebum clogs the skin pore or the pit of the hair follicle forming acne.The blocked pore or acne acts as an excellent habitat for bacteria. The bacterial infection causes inflammation (red, painful swelling of the infected area) of the clogged pore or hair follicle leading to eruption of pimples.

Vata and Kapha are two main doshas, which are involved in eruption of acne and pimples. Rakta dhatu or blood also plays an important role in formation of acne.

Vata when gets vitiated due to unhealthy diet and lifestyles affects other two doshas (kapha and pitta) to aggravate them. Aggravated pitta affects rakta dhatu or blood. The vitiated blood affects the skin and causes excess secretion of oil from sebaceous glands. Kapha has sticky property. The aggravated kapha imparts the stickiness to the oil produced by sebaceous glands of skin. Thus the  thick sebaceous plugs are formed in skin pores and hair follicles leading to eruption of acne.

Acne worsens when

1. grease, dirt or other harsh chemicals accumulate on skin.

2. you have Increased stress levels.

3. you indulge in Squeezing or pinching of acne.

4. when there are hormonal imbalances during menstrual cycle, menopause and puberty.

5. you are under medications like steroids or hormonal therapy.

Precautions to be taken to avoid exaggeration of acne eruptions:

Avoid foods which are spicy, dry and oily. These may cause indigestion and lead to vitiation of vata.

Keep a habit of emptying bowels regularly this always normalizes vata.

Avoid fast foods and soft drinks.

Wash your face twice daily with mild cleanser.

Put a hair band to avoid falling of hair on face. The sweat and dirt accumulated on hair may fall on facial skin through hair strands

Avoid application of scrubs.

Wash your hair regularly with mild shampoo to keep it clean and avoid dandruff.

Squeezing and pricking of pimples cause scaring. Hence avoid this

Avoid exposure of skin to severe climatic conditions.

Avoid oil based moisturizers. Water based moisturizers are always beneficial.

Drink plenty of water.

Practice a regular exercise regimen

Natural Herbal acne Home remedies :

Wash your face with lukewarm water and mild soap twice a day.

Wash fresh methi leaves (fenu greek leaves) and grind it to make a paste. Apply it on face and wash it off with lukewarm water after 10  minutes.

Grind juicy tender neem leaves with turmeric to a consistency of paste. Apply this paste on acne and pimples. Wash this off after it dries.

Apply a face pack of ripe tomato pulp and wash it off as soon as it dries naturally (preferably after 45 minutes) .

Do not keep the make up while sleeping. Cleanse it with a mild herbal cleanser.

Mix besan flour (gram flour) with rose water and apply a face pack.

Consuming fresh vegetable salads and fresh fruits keeps the skin healthy and resistant to blemishes.

Drink plenty of water (15 glasses a day)

Lift the Spirit

What to do?

Luckily for me there’s always been that curiosity of what’s out there in the alternative world including the alternative therapies.  I’ve tried many of them over the years and will continue to do so, all in the hope I can make things better for my body, mind and spirit.   And it has.

I’m aware that what may work for me may not work for someone else, so the message is to keep trying until you find something that will suit your needs.

Many times I’ve been told they’ve tried everything.  What is everything?  What it actually boiled down to you could count on one hand.  It’s worthwhile to keep searching, you may find that your world expands in a most amazing way by the making of new friendships (I have) and picking up useful skills for your ‘self-healing’ tool-kit.

So what do I do when I’ve reached a cross-road and need some direction or could do with some healing?

Below I’ve listed 5 basic points that have helped to lift my spirit and with practice will also help yours:

1. Meditation!  Meditation is one of the greatest self healing tools available and costs nothing except a little of your time!  There are many meditation techniques out there, find one that suits you and begin.

By putting some meditation music on and spending time in quiet contemplation it can soothe your soul and reconnect you with the highest aspect of yourself.

2. Aromatherapy and Essential Oils.

Rebalance and rejuvenate your spirit through blending a selection of essential oils together in an aromatherapy oil burner.  I’ve found the following blend works extremely well when there’s a need for nurturing, support and healing:

Approximately an hour before retiring to bed place a few drops of the following in an aromatherapy oil burner with some water (for safety’s sake, extinguish the flame before lights are turned off for the night):

4 drops Jasmine

4 drops Rose

4 drops Neroli

3 drops Lavender

3 drops Bergamot

The smell divine!  I use this one every now and again and not only sleep like a baby but anxiety and stress disappears, and feels like the weight of the world has lifted from my shoulders by the following morning!  (If you have a small bedroom you might like to half the amount of drops)

3. Breathe!  Stand with feet a shoulder-length apart.  Take 3 slow and deep breaths using the diaphragm muscles.  Breathe in through the nose, and breathe out through slightly parted lips.  As you do these imagine you’re inhaling your personal power, filling every cell in your body, from your diaphragm up to the top of your head.

Be your personal power and notice how much taller, straighter and stronger you become.  Repeat the steps above.

4. Be in the Present Moment.  Take a few deep breaths and focus totally on this moment, right now.

If you’re reading a book or magazine, or even this article, totally focus on the words and take in their meaning.  There is only you and this article now in the present moment.

If you’re in the workplace, focus totally on the task at hand, and only this task, and what you must do in order to complete it.  Nothing else matters except you and the task at hand.

5. Set an intention.  When I’m on the lookout for something new and useful for me, I set my intention on what it is I’m after.

For example, I may want to find a book that will give me answers in regards to directing me to another healing modality or skill.  I then meditate on this intention, give it a timeframe then open my heart to it.  Lo and behold I will have a book in my hand in no time at all!  I love the power of intention – I also use intention for getting a parking space when I go shopping!

These days I rarely get sick and when I do and have a medical checkup, doctors tell me I’m actually very healthy (surely they can find something so I can get some sympathy around here!) which also includes blood test results.

I still do sadness and unhappiness well (I’m still human) though neither lasts long whereas in the past it would last many days sometimes weeks.  What lasts much longer is a peaceful state.

When using the 5 points above, my spirit lifts and life once again becomes more peaceful and joyful.

Marriage Exciting

The buildup to the wedding is so exciting; making arrangements, laying out a plan for your future lives together.  But after the honeymoon ends, life begins.  And while you may have the most wonderful marriage, even the most devoted couple is certain to find the married lifestyle to be at times, well let’s say, less than exciting.  I mean let’s face it, you love the other person, but spending all day with the same individual makes for a lot of routine activities, that if you are not careful can drag on your relationship and make you both feel unsatisfied with what is otherwise a very loving relationship.

As a result, it is vital that couples not simply sit back in the belief that a marriage will remain exciting merely on its own momentum. Rather, it is important that spouses take some basic steps to infuse their relationships with a bit of excitement.

1. Have Independent Interests

You cannot have anything interesting to say if you spend every waking moment doing and experiencing the same things.  Having independent interests is not a sign of a weak marriage, as some newlyweds believe, but rather a sign of its strength.  Having independent interests means that you have something unique to bring to conversations, ensuring that you both always have something interesting, and yes exciting, to say to one another.

2. Spontaneous Events

While you were dating, planning the spontaneous event seemed rather innate.  But, as we grow comfortable in our relationships and more busy by life’s obligations, we have a tendency to rely upon the strength of our relationships and in so doing fail to keep things spontaneous.  So to mix things up; plan an afternoon or evening event that is completely new.  Try that show your spouse has been dying to see, or visit that new restaurant that just opened up.

3. Never threaten separation

This is less a rule to keep things exciting, and more one to keep them sound.  A relationship can only grow and remain exciting if both parties are confident in their commitment to one another.  As a consequence, make it a rule between you and your partner that you never threaten separation or divorce.  Establish an understanding that if you threaten separation, you should be heading out the door to back it up.  It is a harsh rule, but one that needs imposition if your relationship is to survive the ups and downs which are a part of all marriages.

4. Weekend Trips

One sure-fire way to inject some romance into your marriage is to take a vacation with just the two of you.  But with the rigors of life and the costs of a trip, a full-blown vacation can seem hard to justify.  So instead opt for a one night local vacation. Plan a dinner and evening out, and cap it off with a night in a hotel.  The expense isn’t a lot considering the excitement that a trip, no matter how small, can bring into a relationship.

5. Spice up the bedroom

The final tip to bring excitement into any relationship is to spice things up in the bedroom.  Your sex life has a strong correlation with the strength and satisfaction of your relationship.  So try exploring a new position or even a sexual fantasy or adult toy with your partner, and in so doing share something intimate and bring some excitement into your marriage.

Secret Of A Happy Marriage

Never ever fight!

Disagreements can sometimes be healthy in a relationship if done once in a while. Never allow fighting to eat away your relationship. In fighting, both parties lose the fight. No one ever wins.

Fighting can be damaging. It involves emotions. When emotions get involved, you may say harmful things that you really dont mean to say, and unfortunately whats done can never be taken back.

As much as possible, avoid getting into a heated argument. A fight can easily damage a marital relationship. The fight may start over an unimportant matter and before you both know it, it soon escalates into an exchange of offensive words.

Always remember the Law of Harvest. Dont continue to sow seeds of you always or you never into your relationship so that you will not reap it. Whatever you focus on and hear over and over again becomes a reality.

Avoid using the following words:

You did it again!
When will you learn?
I cant believe this. I married someone whos not capable of doing things right.
This is such a mess!

Don´t pull out the big gun when argument progresses and emotions rise to the surface for the sake of winning. Don´t try to bring in the past. Let bygones be bygones forever. Stay out of it. Leave it where it belongs. Bringing up the past in an argument can add fuel to the fire. Focus only on the present situation no matter how difficult it is.

In a fight no one really wins because both parties lose the game. This affects closeness of the husband and wife. Gaps arise because of the fight. Your spouse will feel awkward when you are around after the fight. Fighting is really immature regardless of how old you are or how long you have been married. It is only natural for children but not for adults.

Treat your spouse the treatment he or she deserves. Be careful with the words that you use.

Can You Save Your Marriage?

How to save your marriage is not exactly the same for one person as it is the next. It's true that in most cases a marriage can be improved with a few simple steps, but the amount of improvement varies from marriage to marriage-check out these tips to help get your back on track...

How To Save Your Marriage 1
You need to get the communication back. Communication is usually one of the first things that dries up in a problematic marriage, and that in itself leads to a lot of other problems. To help you both communicate more effectively set aside a certain amount of time each day to share with each other. During that time, talk over your days and ask questions of each other. Find out what it is that made you want to communicate with each other to begin with. After a few days of doing this you should find your communication skills are beginning to come back for each other.

How To Save Your Marriage 2
Spend some quality time together. It's a little bit of a cliché, but a nice trip or a few days spent outside your usual relationship area can do wonders for you both. Even better, if you can make trips or activities like this a habit, as it will help you learn how to interact with each other in a fun and loving fashion again. These days it's all too easy to let our communications boil down to the bear minimum, so try not to let this happen.

How To Save Your Marriage 3
Brush up on your listening skills. Sometimes when you get to know someone so well, it's almost as if you feel you no longer need to engage them or listen to them in conversation. If you can become a better listener you can prove to your partner that you are engaged in their life and that you respect their opinions. Is there anyone that doesn't want that? Simply by starting and actively participating in conversations with them you will be strengthening your bond, and you'll notice your partner is more interested in you too.

How To Save Your Marriage 4
Don't let the finance ruin the romance. Life can be very tough when money is an issue in a marriage. Financial problems are often ongoing and unlikely to be solved in short order, so it's a great idea to develop a set of rules for you both. If you both abide to a pre-conceived idea about how you will take care of the finances, the problems and arguments should be minimized.

How To Save Your Marriage 5
Make it fun. A marriage should be in place due to the amount of fun you have had with each other at some point. If you've removed the fun and replaced it with the mundanity of everyday life, how can you possibly expect the marriage to survive? It's an excellent idea to have some activities or hobbies to get involved with together-these can very easily become “your” way to spend time and have fun with each other.

As you've seen, the answer to the question “how to save a marriage?” varies widely from relationship to relationship, but hopefully you will find something of use in this article. Check out the links below for some great marriage advice.

Divorce To Your Kids

Divorce can be a traumatic experience for your children. No matter how old they are, the divorce will be hard for them to understand and eventually to accept. Some children in fact harbor hopes that their parents will get back together even after several years of living apart.

Many children feel that they are the ones at fault when their parents break up. Although this may seem illogical to adults, children can find associations in the most incongruous of things. As often attested by revelations during therapy, children often feel that they could have done something to prevent the break-up in the family. There are those “what ifs” and “could have beens.” If they were good and obedient children, would they have prevented the split? If they did not get into trouble in school, would their parents stay together?

One of the crucial moments that parents should take note of and prepare themselves is the way that they will break the news to their children. Although explaining it properly will not necessarily lessen the pain of knowing that their parents will be splitting up but at least a proper explanation will help prevent misunderstandings especially in what caused the break up in the first place.

Remember that young children are very impressionable. Everything that you do, whether you want them to see or not, can mean something. It is important that you tell them what’s going on to avoid misrepresentations.

Below are some tips on how to break the news of the divorce to your kids.

Never make them feel that they have to choose.

Divorce is a traumatic experience as it is without asking the children to choose sides. This will put them right in the middle of marital trouble. This is not fair because the kids are not really part of the problems that you and your partner are having. Pressuring them to judge who is right and wrong can worsen the trauma that they will be experiencing.

Still, during custody battles, choosing sides cannot be avoided. Although in some cases, especially if the children are a bit older, they are asked to choose which parents they would rather live with.

Never badmouth your partner

Remember that whatever happens, your partner is still a part of their lives, someone who they need to respect and love. Whatever troubles that you have in your relationship should not affect the children in any way. As long as your partner is doing his best to provide for the kids and is a good father, there is no need for them to know what a rotten person he can be sometimes.

Explain clearly.

Although your children will not necessarily understand completely what is going on, there is no need to create fantastical explanations. Just tell them the truth, that you are going to start living apart and they may have to live with each of you separately or live with one parent for the rest of their lives.

Consider their feelings and try to talk to them about it Divorce can be painful for the couple as they are the ones directly involved but you must remember that kids are very vulnerable and they are not as resilient as adults.

It is not enough that you tell them what’s going on. You also have to ask them what their feelings are about what happened. This way, you are able to address their fears and insecurities right then and there.

As mentioned before, kids often feel that it is their fault that their parents are breaking up. You have to reassure them that this is not true and they were not in any way at fault.

Tell them that it’s ok for them to talk to you about it.

Children will have questions about what happened. They might not be able to verbalize it just yet but they will eventually reveal what bothers them about the situation. Encourage them to come and talk to you if they have additional questions. Tell them that it’s ok for them to tell you how they feel and they will be very much welcome to ask you anything they want. Keeping the communications line open will help ease the tension and clear up a lot of potential sources of misunderstandings.

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