Friday, January 30, 2015

Can Dancing Heal ?

Dance give us plenty of room for self-expression and can be powerful in helping the body and mind to be stimulated. It's all about movement and music and you.

This is one thing everyone agrees about: Dance is beneficial. It's exercising without "feeling" like you're exercising, it increases cardiovascular and mental health, releasing endorphins while you turn, spin, and simply MOVE.

Unfortunately, in our "modernized" society, we have lost touch with its potential. In contrast, dance has always been an integral part of many other cultures. You don’t have to dance with an African tribe around a roaring fire to realize the healing benefits of dance; luckily, all you need is yourself.

The other great thing about dance is that it can be done either in the privacy of your own home, in dance classes as a recreational outlet, at a party with friends, or as you do any number of houshold tasks, fitting a little "swing" in your steps.

"Oh, I can't dance," you'll say. Can't, or won't? Dancing is simply moving, like wayward walking. It doesn't have to be funky-crazy or hip; you don't have to go with a style you don't feel comfortable with; and those of you with "dance inhibition" are free, nearly every day, to find time and a private place large enough to move around freely -- again, also knwn as dancing.

Choose music you feel comfortable with. Music preferences naturally vary from person to person -- and even from day to day -- so it just doesn't matter of you decide to dance to Prince, Mozart, Garth Brooks, or Billie Holiday. That's the first rule: Never put any kind of restrictions on yourself, thinking, "I like that music, but how do you dance to "Jingle Bells"?

When you are ready to begin, stand for a moment with your eyes closed. Feel the connection of your feet to the floor and just relax. If you feel completely at a loss for what to do, imagine your breath supplying your entire body with a golden fluid, making your body light and flexible.

Allow this to transition into any movements you wish, moving as the body dictates. Flow, float, stomp, jump up and down. Move fast or in slow motion. The key is to just allow the body to move, so don’t think too much -- just move. Don’t worry about how you look; if you're alone, no one can see you. If you're in a dance class, everyone else is laughing, making the same mistakes you are.

When you really get into it, after a while you'll definitely notice something: You're not worrying as much any more; you are sleeping better; you aren't as irritable at work or at home, with your family; and you feel surprisingly "healed" in some way.

In fact, the natural bodily healing and restoration can last from a couple of minutes to a several hours. People young and old, in all states of fitness, living in all kinds of bodies can benefit from dance. Those with injuries or physical challenges can bene fit as well as any "able-bodied" person; just listen to your body and work with its limitations. Dance can be used for healing major stresses as well as "everyday life," for it is often that these stresses build up, manifesting in extreme tension, anger, and even illness.

Remember, you're not forcing your body to move according to someone else’s steps; to truly dance is to just tune in to your own personal radio station, and move according to the rhythm of your soul. Dance slow, dance fast, dance solo, dance with others, dance with joy, even dance the sorrow out of your heart. There are no rules -- just DANCE!

Binge Drinking: A Sober Risk for Teenagers

Liquor stores, bars, and alcoholic beverage companies make drinking seem attractive and fun. It's easy for anyone to get caught up in a social scene with lots of peer pressure. Inevitably, one of the biggest areas of peer pressure, especially among teenagers is drinking.

Many people, especially the youth, don't normally think about the negative side of drinking. Although they think about the consequences of getting drunk, not too much attention is given to the possibility of being hung-over or throwing up. Some people do not know that excessive drinking can lead to loss of  concentration, memory lapses, mood changes, and other problems that could affect their day-to-day life. Even with all the public health warnings, there is still a significant portion of the population that would ignore the more serious and longer-lasting risks of alchohol abuse.

When it comes to heavy drinking, the phrase “binge drinking” comes to mind. The phrase was originally used to refer to heavy drinking that lasted for several days.  Nowadays, the meaning of “binge drinking” has drastically changed. To most people, binge drinking brings to mind self-destruction and unrestrained drinking bout lasting for at least a couple of days during which time the heavily intoxicated drinker drops out by not working, ignoring responsibilities, squandering money, and engaging in other harmful behaviors such as fighting or risky sex. Binge drinking is not only dangerous to the drinker, but to the people around him or her.

According to a recent study issued by the National Center on Addiction and Substance Abuse at Columbia University in New York, about half of U.S. college students binge drink. The report states that 49 percent of full-time college students ages 18 to 22 binge drink, consuming five or more drinks at a time. The percentage of students who drink remained about even with a similar 1993 report. The statistics show a steady increase in the number of students who engaged in binge drinking. But the proportion of students who binge drink frequently, defined as drinking three or more times over two weeks, rose by 16 percent from 1993 to 2005. Drinking 10 or more times per month rose 25 percent, and drinking three or more times per month rose 26 percent.

Binge drinking impairs judgment, so drinkers are more likely to take risks they might not take when they're sober. They may drive drunk, which then increases the risk of being involved in car accidents. Driving isn't the only motor skill that's impaired, though. Walking is also more difficult while intoxicated. In 2000, roughly one third of pedestrians 16 and older who were killed in traffic accidents were intoxicated. People who are drunk also take other risks they might not normally take when they're sober. For example, people who have impaired judgment may have unprotected sex, putting them at greater risk of a sexually transmitted disease (STD) or unplanned pregnancy.

Studies also show that people who binge-drink throughout high school are more likely to be overweight and obese and have high blood pressure by the time they are 24. Just one regular beer contains about 150 calories, which adds up to a lot of calories if someone drinks four or five beers a night. Some studies have shown that people who binge-drink heavily like those who have three or more episodes of binge drinking in 2 weeks have some of the symptoms of alcoholism.

For teenagers, it can be hard for some of them to talk to adults about these issues, so an alternative person to talk to could be a trusted friend or older sibling. Drinking too much can be the result of social pressures, and sometimes it helps to know there are others who have gone through the same thing. A supportive friend or adult could help one to avoid pressure situations, stop drinking, or find counseling. There will always be someone who can help and put a halt on this dilemma.

Bad Breath Cause

Although you may want to consult your physician if you have a particular problem with bad breath, the following general advice will give you insight into the likeliest cause of a bad breath problem.

The principal bad breath cause is associated with bacteria in the mouth.  This can flourish when the saliva flow in the mouth is reduced.  Lack of saliva means that old food is not washed away, and saliva also helps in neutralizing acids.  Saliva also performs the very necessary task of flushing out the mouth, and removing food particles, so any reduction in saliva flow inhibits this action.

Saliva can be reduced for a number of reasons.  There are natural causes of this reduction, and other causes related to disease or choices.  The flow of saliva reduces naturally as we get older, making us more prone to bad breath.  Also when we are dehydrated, the moisture in the mouth reduces naturally.  Often when asleep, people will have their mouths open, maybe even snoring, and this will dry out the mouth.  This contributes to the “morning breath” syndrome.

Certain diseases and illnesses can similarly contribute to bad breath.  Any infection that affects the respiratory tract can be a cause of bad breath, as well as many other diseases.

Dry mouth can also be caused by medications for various problems.  The most common is probably the antihistamine, taken to relieve allergies.  Some others include high blood pressure and depression medicines.  Other things that can be ingested that affect the dryness of the mouth include alcohol and mouthwashes that contain alcohol.

One of the many problems associated with cigarette smoking is dry mouth.  For many reasons unrelated to bad breath, it is wise to avoid smoking, as has been documented extensively elsewhere.  With a predisposition to bad breath, however, the habit of smoking virtually guarantees that you will suffer from bad breath.

It is no good to think that the bacteria causing bad breath may be generally eliminated, as they are naturally occurring and required for bodily function.  They are anaerobic, which means “without oxygen”.  As saliva provides oxygen the lack of saliva with a dry mouth makes a more favorable environment for the bacteria to increase, aggravating the bad breath.

The bacteria create sulfurous compounds, such as hydrogen sulfide (the bad egg smell) which are the cause of the smelly breath.  The bacteria assist in the digestive process by starting the breakdown of proteins.  Thus another cause of bad breath would be a high protein diet, which feeds the bacteria.

Brief History of Birth Control

Recent studies show that out of the eight most common reasons for people having sexual intercourse, getting pregnant is always the last.  It seems that even if human being are biologically wired to be sexually aroused to ensure reproduction of the species, bearing children places a distant second to pleasure when it comes to sexual motivation. Ever since history began, men and women have always wanted to be the ones deciding on whether or not to have a child. Contraceptives were used in one method or another for thousands of years throughout human history. In fact, family planning has always been practiced even in societies that are dominated by political, social, and religious codes that require people to “become fruitful and multiply.”

Of course, the earlier methods used before the 20th century were not as safe and as effective as the ones we have today. Before, Chinese women drank mercury and lead to be able to control fertility, but often results in sterility or death. In Europe, during the Middle Ages, magicians advised women to wear weasel testicles on their thighs or hang its amputated foot around their necks. Other amulets during this time include wreaths of herbs, cat livers, hare anus, and even flax lint tied in a cloth and soaked in menstrual blood. It was also believed before that a woman could avoid pregnancy by walking around a spot where a pregnant wolf had urinated for three times.

To start of the history of birth control, behavioral methods are seen to depict how people see contraceptives way before birth control pills even existed. Abstinence, specifically for women, was an important issue for ancient people who understood the connection between vaginal intercourse and reproduction. After menarche (time of their first menstrual period), women in many cultures were expected to maintain their virginity. This way, their future husbands could be sure of the paternity of their children.

Augustine of Hippo, an early Christian church bishop, taught that masturbation as well as other  alternatives to sexual intercourse (outer course) were much grave than sins of fornication, rape, incest, and adultery. Because fornication, rape, incest, and adultery could lead to pregnancy, they were considered as “natural” sins. While this was happening, Mallinaga Vatsayayana in India was already writing the world's greatest literary work of pro creative and non-procreative sex play, Kama Sutra. Outer-course revived in America during the 1940s and '50s. During this time, virginity was considered very important for unmarried women. Having outer course in the back seat of a car at drive-in movies allowed young women to have sex while remaining “technically” virgin.

Outercourse became history when the pill became available during the sexual revolution of the '60s. By the '80s, vaginal intercourse was somewhat a normal event for people. But as the sexual revolution began losing its charm with the spread of AIDS, many people began wondering if they are passing up on any other pleasures of sex play. Wanting more romance, people of the 21st century are now rediscovering pleasure of seduction, courtship, and outer course.

History of birth control does not stop here. From withdrawal methods in ancient China, to the condom and vaginal sponge, to the never ending use of contraceptive foams, creams, jellies, film, and suppositories, many people have been practicing several methods for preventing pregnancy even up until today.

Beat Bad Eating Habits

The first step is to brace yourself for the challenge; it goes without saying that bad habits are hard go break. When you’re trying to eliminate something that has become a part of your life, you’re bound to encounter resistance, and see your willpower seriously tested. You’re in for a marathon—one in which that old addiction will tempt you at every step, trying to lure you back into that old vicious circle.

Slow down. People who eat faster consume more calories because their brain doesn't have the chance to recognize that the stomach is full. Instead of choosing finger foods that can be eaten quickly, always eat food from a plate with utensils. Salad is an excellent choice since the bulk of it fills you without ramping up the calories or clogging your arteries. Drink water throughout your meal.

Bad eating habits can ruin your life. They can turn you into a wild man at the table, force you to lose control, and influence you to make poor and unhealthy food choices that will eventually make you overweight and obese.

By torturing yourself too much, I just worry that you will eventually give up in all these funny tools and use both of your hands to eat instead! So, whether diet fork, diet spoon, chopsticks or teaspoon, at the end of the day, it is the will power that makes the difference when come to diet control.

Remove temptations. Keep food out of sight and store a minimum amount of food in kitchen cabinets and in the pantry. Never store your favorite foods. Keep on hand only those foods that require preparation before they can be eaten.

Do a little, not a lot. By cutting 500 calories per day for a week, you will have lost 3,500 calories, one pound a week—a nice, natural weight loss that won't freak out your metabolism. A good, brisk walk each day can cut out 250 calories, and skipping dessert (but not breakfast) can do the rest. Go slow and gentle: don't try to lose a lot of weight at once. Experiment with what you're willing to let go of: the Grande latte you usually enjoy at 10 AM; the buttery movie popcorn that's become a nightly habit. Target foods you don't especially love and stop eating them.

Rate your hunger. Ask yourself, "how hungry am I on a scale of 0 to 10?" 0 means you're starving—woe to anyone who gets between you and the fridge! 10 means you're so stuffed you can't eat another bite—you might explode! Eat when your hunger falls somewhere between 4 and 8; but stop eating when you feel you've reached 7 or 8.

Planning your food a day in advance ensures that when that emotion or a challenging time of day hits, you are not tempted by incompatible foods as you try to combat old habits. Plan your meals and ensure you have your trigger times well covered and plenty of food and/ or options all day long so that you no longer have to resist all those choices. When you do this, the old emotions and trigger times of day will still happen, the difference is you made the choice about your food intake yesterday when your emotions did not have a grip on you.

Are Allergy Shots Effective?

Itchy, watery eyes, runny nose and sneezing are all common symptoms which a vast majority of us experience as allergy symptoms at specific times throughout the year. Many individuals do everything in their power to avoid allergies including changing their diets, staying indoors or taking vitamin supplements. These may contribute to fighting allergies, but there is another effective way to do so.  Immunotherapy or allergy shots are gaining popularity. Getting an allergy shot can be scary for some people, so we thought it would be best to fully explain allergy shots and address some common concerns.

How Do They Work?

Allergy shots contain a small amount of the substance which you are allergic to. If you are allergic to pollen, a small amount of pollen would be added to the shot. The amount is small enough so that it does not cause you to suffering from allergy symptoms, but enough so that you body gets used to fighting the allergen. Therefore, the next time your body comes in contact with that substance, it will be familiar with fighting it off and you will most likely not suffer from allergies.

Are Allergy Shots Safe For Everyone?

Although most people will have positive results from allergy shots, they are not right for everyone. Allergy shots are not recommended for individuals suffering from severe heart problems, asthma or other respiratory problems. Also, children under the age of 5 should not be exposed to allergy shots for safety reasons.

What Is The Procedure?

Once you have decided that you would like to get allergy shots, you will receive a shot 1 or 2 times a week for about 6 months. Afterwards, your maintenance shots will require you to get one shot a month, year round for about 3-5 years. Once you have received allergy shots on a regular basis for a couple years, you can discuss it with your doctor and they may tell you its okay to stop getting them at that point.

What Are The Side Effects?

Although allergy shots are effective for many individuals in eliminating allergy symptoms, certain individuals may experience some harmful side effects. Some people may experience feelings of shock when the shot is initially injected, others may feel light-headed or nauseated. For this reason, doctors are required to keep patients in their office for at least 20 minutes after receiving each shot in order to ensure the patient’s safety.

Some people swear by allergy shots while others criticize the effects or claim they don’t work effectively. If you are considering receiving immunotherapy, contact your doctor to discuss. Your doctor will give you more insight in order for you to determine if this is something you really want to do.

Friday, January 16, 2015

I Have 50 Orgasms A Day

Some women feel that one is enough and others find that their clitoris is too sensitive after their first orgasm and their just not interested in having any more.

Men have a refactory period after ejaculating which makes multiple orgasms more difficult for them to achieve. Women on the other hand don't have a refactory period, after their first orgasm they are in the plateau stage and stay aroused for longer and if stimulation is continued more orgasms are possible.

Sequential Multiples:

These are a series of climaxes that come close together with an interruption in arousal. The woman might need a few seconds to relax and then stimulation can continue, with another orgasm occuring within minutes. A likely situation for this to happen is if the clitoris is stimulated manually or orally until climax is reached, followed by another climax during intercourse.

Some women might find that their clitoris is very sensitive after their first orgasm. If direct stimulation is too intense, try indirect stimulation on another part of the genitals. It might help to take deep breaths, rocking your pelvis in time with your breathing, while the energy builds up again in your genitals. Within a few minutes you could find that over stimulation will give way to pleasure.

Serial Multiples:

These are orgasms that come one after the other without interruption in arousal. These are only seconds apart and may feel like on continuous orgasm with multiple peak points. This is likely to be achieved if the clitoris and G-spot are being stimulated simultaneously.

Some women find that their second or third orgasms are more powerful than the first, and some find that their orgasms become progressively less intense.

Gift Wrapping Ideas

If you're tired of your gifts looking like everyone else's, put some creative thought to it. Gifts don't have to just be paper and ribbon that you bought at the store. Let some of these ideas inspire you.

* Name Tags - Instead of using name tags, use the front cover from leftover Christmas or other holidays. Just cut along the crease and glue or tape the card to the top of your wrapped package. Most designs have some unprinted space to allow you to write the name of the recipient and a short note.

* Decoration - Instead of using ribbons and bows, make the decoration part of the gift. Tie a bunch of cinnamon stick on top with ribbon. Tie your package with satin or velvet ribbon and let the ends of the ribbon flow down the package. Add a silk flower inserted in the knot of the bow. If your recipient likes to cook, tie wooden kitchen utensils in the bow. Your ribbon or wrapping paper could be replaced with a decorative kitchen towel.

* Festive boxes - For small items, buy small Chinese take out cartons, the ones that have a folded top and metal handle. Decorate the outside with brightly colored stickers of hearts, flower, or Christmas themes. Write the recipients name on the top flaps.

* Original Wrapping Paper - At the craft store, buy sponges that have been cut into shapes of flowers, sailboats, etc. Dip them in paint and press them onto plain white wrapping paper or Kraft colored paper. Your decoration can fit the gift or the recipients taste.

* Trimmings - Instead of using bows on every package, buy ornaments or small toys when they are on sale. Use these items that best fit your recipient's hobby or lifestyle and tie or glue them onto your package.

* Name Sacks - Sew up some red, blue, yellow, and green velvet squares into sacks. Turn down the top edge, sew in place to allow a small opening for a drawstring. Write the recipients name on the bag with glue and sprinkle the glue with glitter. Fill the sacks with candy or small toys. Use more string to wrap around the package and through the drawstring to secure the sacks.

You Are What You Eat

Eat Right. Your Skin Will Thank You.

You know that too much alcohol and smoking can dehydrate and take oxygen away from your skin, risking its health, right? You know that sitting in the sun too long can damage your skin and that by not getting enough rest, relaxation, and exercise your skin can suffer too, don't you? Did you also know that by not eating the proper foods you could be damaging your skin as well?

Here are some foods that can help you maintain healthy skin and nourish skin that's been damaged:

Fish, Beans and Oils
Many of you have heard me preach of the vital role essential fatty acids play with aging skin, as EFA’s are required to maintain skin elasticity.  Denying your body of the 'good' fats, such as omega-3 fatty acids, can cause your skin to wrinkle prematurely.   Good sources of EFA’s in your diet are fish, especially salmon, and nuts like almonds and sunflower seeds.  The best sources of EFA’s also come in flax seed oil, coconut oil and borage oil, which can be incorporated into your cooking or as a daily supplement.

Got acne? Spinach and other dark green vegetables are antioxidants that can reduce the inflammation of pimples, and orange vegetables such as carrots and peppers, are high in beta-carotene, which turns into Vitamin A in your body to heal damaged skin.  Winter vegetables are packed with beta-carotene.  I encourage you to stock up on your squash.  Your skin will love you for it!

Blackberries, plums, strawberries, blueberries and prunes are all included in the group of fruits that can help you keep your system toxic-free, and thus help your skin look radiant and healthy!  Be sure not to throw out wilted veggies & spent fruit.  Simply puree them in your blender, making your own alpha-hydroxy, anti-aging face wash!  You really don’t need to spend a fortune on high end products when all the sought after ingredients are already in your fridge.  Be sure to read on for your free monthly recipe.

Turkey and Chicken (White Meat)
Your skin's cells cannot be repaired without protein. Don't or can't eat meat? Nuts! No, I mean eat nuts for protein. You can also substitute meat with egg whites or soy products to get the protein you need as well.

Water, Water, and More Water
If there is any substance in the world that your body just can't get enough of, it's water. Since your body consists of approximately 80% water, it only makes sense that you need to replenish the water in your body, especially if you exercise a lot or live in a dry climate.  Sodas and caffeinated drinks dehydrate your skin.  If drinking water is challenging, slices of cucumber or oranges with mint sprigs create a refreshing spa beverage that you can keep refrigerated or fill up your sports bottle when on the go.

It is true that you are what you eat, so eat well, live well, and look totally awesome!  Be sure to visit your local farmer’s markets or natural food grocers for organic foods, free of hormones and pesticides. By doing so you’re eating optimal quality foods and supporting a sustainable environment.

Teen Hair Style Ideas

There is perhaps never a better time when you can pull off the very trendy and funky hair styles as when you are a teenager. The teen hair style, while always evolving and reflecting the tastes of the generation, always tends to be a trendy hair style that is hard for older people to imitate and still look great. From a ton of texture to funky and fresh color techniques, the teen hair style is always at the cutting edge of fashion.

The funky teen hair style always looks like it has been taken straight off the runway. Infused with rich, trendy color, the teen hair style does a lot to capture an era of style completely. Just think about all of the famous teen hair styles, of the past. Complete generations have been defined by the trendy hair styles worn by the teenagers of that time.

Today, top teen hair styles are trendier than ever and cover a wide range of styles, lengths and textures. Perhaps for the first time, the teen hair style is a reflection of the person within instead of the popular teen hair styles without. I mean just think of how many popular teen hair styles there are to choose from. We are no longer like the cookie-cutter generations that came before.

While there are a great deal of teen hair styles to choose from and numerous variations of each, it can be hard to find the perfect teen hair style to reflect your personality and tastes. So, here are a few ideas for your next teen hair style.

The short teen hair style

The teen hair style has never been shorter. In fact, many teenage girls are now wearing their hair shorter than the boys. But one thing is always sure; the short teen hair style is always a trendy hair style. Full of texture and interest, the short teen hair style is never dull.

Probably the most popular short teen hair style of today is a variation on the pixie cut. Only about 1" to 1 ½" in length throughout, this teen hair style is heavily textured and can be worn in several different ways. From rigid spikes and soft funk to close-to-the-head tresses, this teen hair style accommodates a wide range of tastes.

The textured teen hair style

No matter what length your locks are, texture is needed to pull off a trendy hair style. This texture can be created through cutting and razoring techniques, it can be natural as in the case of natural curl, and it can be created chemically through perms and relaxers or thermal styling tools.

As mentioned before, today's teen hair style is never boring. Not only does texture liven up your teen hair style, it can also take a popular style and make it uniquely your own. Take for instance a simple layered teen hair style. Falling about shoulder length, this teen hair style would be dull if left to hang straight. But if you take the same cut and add pomade to texturize the ends or add spiral curl to this teen hair style with tube rollers, you could really have a different teen hair style each and every day.

The teen hair style and color

Every trendy hair style needs color, and the same is true for the teen hair style. Adding color can be as simple as a few highlights or lowlights or it can come in the form of dramatic changes such as dark colors for the Gothic look. Color for the teen hair style can also be a statement of itself. Just look at the colors worn by Pink and Christina Aguilera. Their most popular teen hair style cuts were not really anything that unique, it was their color that set their teen hair style apart from others.

When choosing color for your teen hair style do not be afraid to try something funky and unique. This may be the only time in your life that you can get by with blue highlights. Also, do not become wrapped up in choosing the same color for your teen hair style that you have seen worn by other people. Stay unique, venture out, be brave and you will always have a teen hair style worthy of envy.

Problems of Feet and Their Care


Footwear  that pinches you, will give you blisters. You should not wear loose shoes either, since constant rubbing can also give rise to blisters.


• Till the blisters has dried, do not wear the same shoe.
• Do not try to puncture the blister yourself, as your can infect your skin
• Use a good talcum powder and keep the blister dry while going out.
• When at home, apply an antiseptic cream over the blister.


One  is likely to get corns at places where one gets blisters. If the same defective shoe is being worn repeatedly, you will develop corns.


• Change your shoes( foot wear) frequently.
• The best remedy is to leave corns alone and scrub them  hard. with a pumice-stone and       massage after that – If the  corns are too painful,   consult your doctor.


There can pose a lot of problems. If you wear shoes, they always tend to get loose and acquired a  peculiar odour.


• Avoid wearing closed shoes altogether.
• Wash  your feet with cold water often.
• Use a skin astringent on the soles of your feet.


This generally occurs when one has to stand a lot and sometimes because of wearing very high heels.


• Do not wear very tight shoes.
• Give yourself a little rest during the day by taking off your shoes and resting your toes       higher than the level of your head.


Lack of moisture and oil can bring about such a  condition.


• Use glycerine and oil  to massage your feet once a week.
• Use a good moisturiser daily.


This happens due to neglect of the toe-nail and also if the health in general is not good.


• Include plenty of vitamins in your daily diet.
• Massage the toe nails with a rich nourishing cream daily.
• Do not use a dry nail-polish


This results if one is net used to sitting or standing for too long,  with feet hanging down and rather right shoes.


• Wash your feet with soap and hot water and apply Eau-de-Cologne on them.
• Avoid sitting with your legs hanging down for too long.
• Lie down with the feet higher than your head as often as possible.


These are caused due to certain pressure of the shoes on the toes. It is difficult to get rid of bunions so it is best to avoid them. When buying shoes, look for comfort rather than style.


Feet are more prone to such infections because fungus thrives in a moist and airless atmosphere, where the sun does not reach.


• Switch over to open  shoes or sandals without socks
• Use any anti-fungal cream, especially  between the toes, which is the   breeding place for   infection.

Gold Rings Are Important Things

Gold is a precious metal that has been loved by women throughout the world.  It’s yellow color glitters brightly and is unparalleled in beauty.  Gold rings have been worn on the fingers for centuries.  Earlier, gold rings were simple hoops worn around the ring finger and thumb.

In Greece gold bands were worn.  In Rome, only people of military or civil rank were allowed to wear gold rings. Later, freeborn citizens were allowed to adorn gold rings.  The middle ages saw the advent of the gold engagement ring set with precious gemstones.   Gold rings marked a kings coronation and a gold seal ring with St. Peter in a fishing boat is given to every Pope and is destroyed after his death.

Gold rings made a complete transformation over time and now are found in a variety of shapes, sizes, and set with precious gemstones, which enhances their beauty.  Gold rings are now worn on every finger and are also decorated with enamel and stones.

Gold rings with intricate designs like netted and floral designs are more expensive than a plain one, as it involves a lot of time and workmanship to create such masterpieces.  The Victorian collection is said to one of the finest jewelry with detailed designing.

The gold engagement rings, wedding rings, memorial rings, mourning rings, and several others became the order of the day and fashionable.  The gold wedding rings that signify commitment were originally worn only by the woman, but now it has become common for both the bride and groom to wear them.

It helps to know a bit about gold before venturing to buy a gold ring.  As gold is considered to be a soft metal, it can lose shape easily.  For regular wear, a ring made from lower karat gold is advisable, and the rings that will be worn sparingly can be made with 24 karat gold, which is pure gold and is more expensive.   18 karat gold is made with 75% gold and 25% alloy, and this makes it stronger but less expensive.

For an engagement ring or a wedding ring, which need to be worn on a daily basis, it is practical to buy 14 karat gold rings, which are the most popular. Gold rings need to be washed with soap and warm water and dried properly before storing them in their original boxes.

Gold rings make perfect gifts for any occasion.  A single large sapphire set in gold brings a glint to the eye and so does a ring with three small diamonds set closely.  Most rich families hand down gold heirlooms on special occasions such as weddings.  There could be no better pleasure in life than slipping a beautiful gold ring on the finger of a beloved.

Breast Implant Surgery for Beauty Elevation

Breast implant surgery has been embraced by millions of women around the globe, despite the medical and social controversies surrounding the procedure. Women’s’ breasts since time immemorial have been eye candy for men and a source of pride for women. No wonder, it has also been the inspiration for much beauty in literature.

Breast enhancement is the buzzword of the cosmetic plastic surgery industry and breast implants have been heralded and desired by women of every shape, size, and financial background. Also called mammoplasty, a breast implant procedure increases the volume of the breast(s) by the placement of an implant within the chest, behind each breast. Changes as a result of weight loss, childbirth, and aging can lead a woman to the decision to undergo a breast implant procedure. And although the safety of the breast implants has been questioned in the past, recent research has concluded that saline breast implants are safe to use and to receive.

What is Breast Implant Surgery?
Breast implants surgery is the planting of prosthesis to enhance the size and shape of a woman's breasts or to reconstruct the breast. Of the four types of breast implants, saline (salt water) filled implants are now the most popular, and regarded as the safest, in cosmetic surgery circles.

Breast Implants Surgery – Before the Implants
In the initial consultation, the physician will be looking to determine whether a patient is the best candidate for the breast implant procedure. An extensive medical history will be taken, as well as medical tests to determine the patient’s current health status. Before the breast implant surgery, the surgeon must have a comprehensive overview of the patient’s health - so it is necessary that any problems, or medications, or recreational drug use be disclosed at this appointment. Some patients’ history may preclude them from undergoing the breast implants procedure, or at least need to be scheduled at a later date when health issues and habits have been resolved.

Breast Implants Surgery – Who are they for?
The best candidate for breast implants is a woman that has completed the growth process—usually the age of 18 is determined to be the cutoff age. And women who are not pregnant or breastfeeding are also good candidates for breast implants. Patients should also be in good health and not planning significant weight loss. Any of these factors can change the intended results of the breast implants.

Breast Implants Surgery – The Procedure

The breast implants procedure is usually done under general anesthesia, or when the patient is ‘asleep’. The implant is inserted through a small incision, with hardly any scar that can be noticed. Sometimes the incision for the breast implants is underneath the breast, or it may be within the lower edge of the areola, or it may be in the armpit area so as to avoid any scars in the breast region. After the incision is made, the surgeon opens a pocket under the natural breast where the breast implant will be placed. Once the implant is in place, then the incision is closed and the next breast is done, if necessary.

Breast Implants Surgery – Risks and Complications
Breast implants have always been frowned upon by medical professionals and moral police. But there are real risks associated with breast implants. The most recent controversy is that of implants filled with a silicone gel, so many physicians are using implants that are filled with a saline solution instead. In the rare occurrence the implant is punctured and the contents are released, the saline solution is reabsorbed by the body without adverse effects. With silicone implants, some patients have reported disastrous effects from the breakage of the silicone filled breast implants. It seems that the silicone can induce the body’s immune system to respond and it can cause a type of chronic autoimmune disease in some.

Other possible complications include the same as with any surgery: reactions from the anesthesia during the receiving of the breast implants, infection, slippage of the implant, and patient dissatisfaction with the results.

Anti Wrinkle Cream

Although wrinkles can be signs of experience and wisdom, most people would rather not have them
However, skin ages all over the body, but much more so where there has been sun exposure.  Changes brought on by sun damage include "dryness", sagginess, skin growths and wrinkles. These are found primarily on the parts of the body where sun exposure is greatest. These areas especially include the face, neck, the backs of the hands, and the tops of the forearms.

But, why do wrinkles appear? How does our skin get old?

As a person ages the epidermal cells become thinner and less sticky. The thinner cells make the skin look noticeably thinner. The decreased stickiness of the cells decreases the effectiveness of the barrier function allowing moisture to be released instead of being kept in the skin. This causes dryness.

The number of epidermal cells decreases by 10% per decade and they divide more slowly as we age making the skin less able to repair itself quickly.  The effects of aging, on the dermal layer are significant. With the years, not only the dermal layer gets thinner, also less collagen is produced and the elastin fibers that provide elasticity wear out. These changes in the scaffolding of the skin cause the skin to wrinkle and sag.

In the subcutaneous layer, the fat cells get smaller with age.  This leads to more noticeable wrinkles and sagging, as the fat cells cannot "fill in" the damage from the other layers.
There are also some factors that promote wrinkles:

Skin type (people with light-colored skin and blue eyes are more susceptible to sun damage)
Heredity (some families wrinkle more)
Hairstyle (depending on how much skin is covered by hair and protected from the sun)
Dress (again, by determining which skin is exposed)
Occupational and recreational sun exposure over the course of many years

Although prevention is the easiest way to fight wrinkles, we cannot avoid the reality that indeed, we are all aging, but with these guidelines we can hope that, at least, we will age with grace:

Plan a healthy diet rich in fruits and vegetables.  This is not only beneficial to the skin, but to the whole body as well.

If you do smoke, stop.  If you do not, best for you, but do avoid places where a lot of people smoke, t can affect your skin and your health as well.

Drink plenty of water always.  At least eight glasses of water is recommended in a day.

If you think you don't get enough vitamins from what you eat, take vitamin supplements.

Take care of your skin every day, wash and moisturize daily.

Stay away from the sun and when outdoors, use sunscreen.

Have a happy outlook in life.  Studies show that stress and anxiety can affect the skin.  Stay happy always.

The “eternal promise of youth” can be seen in the innumerable products and procedures advertised in books, magazines, and other media that promise "younger-looking skin." But, many claims for such youth-enhancing methods are unfortunately overblown or entirely nonexistent.

Still, effective techniques for softening and even removing wrinkles do exist. There are new products in the market that have shown good results: those containing SKIN REGENERATING ACTIVATORS, that both get rid of damaged cells and trigger their replacement with new healthy skin cells produced from within the deep layers of your skin.

One is BIO SKIN CARE cream, which contains a natural biological ingredient, collected from live land snails, the same they use to quickly repair their own skin and shell when damaged. It is contained in the mucin secreted by the snails, and gathered through a process that is safe for them. The active ingredient in the product is a complex of Glycoproteins that gently eliminate worn out cells, while at the same time triggering the reproduction of new collagen and elastin cells, resulting in a coordinated biological regulation of the skin renewal process and thus advanced skin rejuvenation.

Valentine Candle Gift Basket

Come Valentine Day and one can see chaos among lovers in selecting a gift for their partner. Valentine Candle Gift Basket can be one of your perfect gifts for your loving partner. With Valentine Candle Gift Basket you can easily communicate your love, emotion and care for your partner.

The basket includes scented and non-scented candles, oil warmer, candle holder as well as non-candle products. Candles are one of the unique and pure gifts that you can give to your partner. With the help of Valentine Candle Gift Basket you can make your next valentine very special and memorable.

You may prefer your nearby Candle Gift Shop, but wait, this time why don't you purchase valentine candle gift basket online? Candle Gift Idea will surely enhance your valentine day. It is absolutely cheaper and has the quality of uniqueness.

 The gift basket varies as per your convenience and your budget. But the commodity that you get is absolutely designed for your satisfaction. You may have heard that candle is a symbol of truth and faith. So why don't you present candle gift basket to your dear ones?

Each Valentine Candle Gift Basket is designed uniquely so as to communicate your feelings. The candle's shape and categories also varies if you wish for.

The valentine candle gift basket that you receive through the online services is one of the top collections and has an excellent fragrance quality with superb candles and holders. Each basket is wrapped nicely and carries a message that you want to communicate.

The candle when burn creates romantic and lovely atmosphere that one desires for. It is the best opportunity to pamper your partner with unique valentine candle gift basket and to light your future. The valentine candles, which are offered in gift basket is manufactured by reputed manufacture and have delicate and unique designs.

Friday, January 9, 2015

Sympathy for Plastic Surgery

Plastic surgery is becoming a common thing nowadays, with things like nose jobs and face lifts almost becoming everyday procedures in some large cities.

Certainly, there are a number of psychological and emotional benefits to such procedures, but only if they are properly done. Also, even if these procedures are performed flawlessly by the surgeon, there are still some things that need to be kept in mind after the surgery itself, not the least of which is the need for post-surgery therapy.

There are even a few things that need to be taken into account before something like this is even considered, outside of an emergency situation where the procedure is reconstructive and not aesthetic in nature.

The first thing to consider would be the reasons for the surgery in the first place. If the procedure is not meant to repair damaged tissue and is merely cosmetic, plastic surgeons will often have the patient speak to a psychologist before agreeing to the procedure.

There are a myriad of reasons for this, not the least of which is to reduce the chances of mistakenly performing a procedure to “perfect” someone's appearance on a person who is psychologically incapable of recognizing an absence of flaws.

The more ethical plastic surgeons are willing to perform procedures only on people who require them or do not have some sort of psychological issue that might cause problems if surgery is carried out. However, this is merely what needs to be done before one goes under the knife, with what needs to happen afterwards being a completely different scenario.

There can be any number of things that must be taken into consideration when it comes to post-surgery therapy, particularly for plastic surgery. For example, in the case of liposuction, there is usually a set number of days of minimal or controlled food consumption.

 This is because whatever was done during the procedure needs time to “stick,” as it were. Binge eating will not only damage what the liposuction was supposed to do, but it may also cause additional damage as side effects.

In general, the surgeons themselves will inform their patients of what needs to be done and what things should be avoided before they're discharged. Whatever they say must be adhered to almost religiously, because these procedures and limitations were designed to help the body fully heal after whatever was done.
Yes, there is a recovery time in place after the surgical procedure itself, but the body needs more time to really “settle.” Some types of cosmetic surgical procedures might also require the use of certain medications, with various effects. Some are designed to help the body accept the changes, while others are used to reduce some negative symptoms, such as pain.

The precautions to be taken after the fact hold true even when the procedure is reconstructive in nature. These sorts of medical procedures can sometimes be rather invasive, with a number of available techniques requiring that areas of the patient's body be cut and pathways into deeper cavities opened up. In the end, these procedures require time for the body to fully recover from them, much like other forms of surgery.

Swimming and Back Pain

Swimming is considered a beneficial activity in alleviating pain. Whenever athletes experience an injury, swimming can be one way to keep active while avoiding undue stress on the swimmer’s back.

However, there are instances when swimming can also result in back pain and back injuries.

Back problems and lower back injuries can be caused by certain swimming strokes. To avoid these incidences, recognizing the following factors while performing particular strokes may help:

1.) Rotating the head too far up while doing the freestyle can result in neck and back injuries. Swimmers normally roll their heads upwards to the right to breathe out of the water on the upstroke of the right arm. It is advisable rotate the head upwards only within the axis of the body, and keeping the head down the rest of the time when not going up for air.

2.) If not conditioned properly, the anterior neck muscles become subject to stress while doing the backstroke. This stroke is one that has to be performed gradually to avoid excessive muscle strain.

3.) Flip-turning can have an adverse effect on the neck and back muscles if the head is overextended from the body and not tucked in.

4.) While doing the breaststroke, the head and neck is held still, with only a minimal head raise to take in air.

There are several means of alleviating pain symptoms in a problematic back. Some conservative approaches to relief include stretching, applying ice, and taking over-the-counter medications like ibuprofen. With more severe pain, other forms of treatment may involve sessions with a chiropractor or physical therapist.

A chiropractor can manipulate the affected area to relieve symptoms for most sufferers, while a physical therapist can develop a specific program of drills and exercises that can strengthen muscles, enhance flexibility, and decrease pain. Wearing a back brace may limit painful movement while giving the injured muscle a chance to recover.

Constant back pain signals the need to cease all swimming activities consult a doctor for an appropriate diagnosis. Continuing to swim despite the pain is a detriment to healing and will only make the condition worse. The resulting severe pain may even require surgery to correct any back irregularities.

Surgery is only undertaken in the very rare instances of serious symptomatic conditions; however, there are cases when not even surgery can undo grave back ailments.
In general, swimming is a beneficial activity that may alleviate symptoms of back pain.

It is not unduly stressful nor does it involve motions that weigh heavily on the back. In fact, it is a preferable exercise option for people who want to avoid neck or back strain, or aggravate any symptoms of other ailments they may have. It is advised, however, to take lessons in the proper safety measures and swimming techniques to refrain from repetitive or awkward movements that may lead to back injury.

Stuttering Therapy Course

There are many types of therapy for stuttering available these days, in this article I describe life after overcoming a stutter. I hope you enjoy the read.

My name is Steve Hill and I had a speech impediment known as stuttering from the age of four. The stutter continued to have a damaging affect on my life for eighteen years. At the age of twenty-two, I had had enough and started looking into different forms of stuttering therapy. In the end, I formulated my own stuttering cure techniques and after nearly a year of practice and dedication, managed to overcome the stutter.

I was then able to order food and drink for example, without the fear of stuttering, speak on the telephone with confidence and am able to enjoy going out with my friends and family on social occasions. I have become a much happier and positive person, life which was once a struggle is now a pleasure. I now appreciate my new found fluency and am talking far much more than I ever did in the past. I have even been accused of talking too much, but this is something I will never apologise for as I am sure people will understand.

A few years ago I met my present girlfriend, Sharron, who has an eleven-year-old daughter, called Taryn. Together we have a son who is five years old, called Ethan.

During the years when I had the stutter, I always accepted second best. I left school because of the stutter, dated girls which to be truthful, not only did I not feel attracted to, but did not particularly find interesting and certainly did not love. My stuttering mind convinced me that I could do no better. I was unhappy where I worked, but just accepted it; I did not feel able to put myself through the interview process again.

I now only accept the best and my life has improved tremendously.

In general, what fluency has given me is:

1. Confidence 2. Happiness 3. Contentment 4. Optimism 5. Success 6. Relaxation

Remedies for Sinusitis

There are number of factors that cause sinusitis. The most common occurs when a cold causes swelling and congestion on the lining of the nose. Sinusitis may begin as a viral infection but within a few days it can develop into a bacterial infection. In many sinusitis patients, there may be one or more preexisting condition that adds to the problem. These include allergies, nasal polyps and nasal septum. These conditions cause the narrowing of the nasal passages and blockage the sinus openings. That is why some people undergo operations to improve their chronic sinus infections.

Despite the fact that most sinusitis sufferers receive no benefit from antibiotics, most doctors still prescribe them. Most doctors also recommend decongestants although they can cause insomnia and nervousness. Long term use can also cause dependency to the drug. The side effects of nasal sprays cannot also be overlooked. It can cause high blood pressure, mood swings, acne, peptic ulcers glaucoma and weight gain. Although surgery can be the last resort to severe sinusitis there is still no guarantee that it will be successful, it could even make matters worse.

For these reasons, some people have turned to the healing wonders of natural medicines. Goldenseal and olive extracts are effective in fighting bacterial and fungal infections. Vitamin C is also well known for its ability to strengthen the immune system and lessen allergic reactions. Zinc also shortens the duration of a cold by killing the cold virus, thus, reducing the risk of sinusitis.

There are also natural ways you can take to overcome the problem of sinusitis. First, as much as possible avoid inhaling traffic fumes, cigarette smokes and chemicals at home or at work. Second, exercise regularly. Even walking for thirty minutes three to four times a week can be very effective. Third, avoid foods such as eggs, wheat, fatty foods, pastries, sugar, chocolate and any food that contains food additives. Fourth, eat more fruits and vegetable, fish, hot chicken and salads. Fifth, drink two to three liters of water a day. Keep in mind that water helps in keeping the body clean. Lastly, when suffering from colds, inhalation is a tested way of relieving blocked sinuses.      

Understand that a well-balanced diet and lifestyle can help prevent sinusitis. Over-the-counter medications can decrease the annoying symptoms of sinusitis. But if sinusitis symptoms continue, it is better to seek the help of a physician.

Relax Easily

Everywhere, nowadays, people are complaining of feeling stressed and burnt-out with all the demands of work, family, and even studies. The phrase “so little time, so much to do”, is becoming truer. The psychological stress manifests itself in various ways, through the lowering of a person's resistance to sickness, through the cramping of muscles, or through an unpleasant change in one's mood. Because of this, people now have a greater demand for a way to escape the toxicity of their lifestyle and find a place of escape where they can just relax and enjoy even for just awhile.

The truth is one does not need to go far just to be able to relax and have an enjoyable time. Even with just a simple stretching exercise, a basic yoga session, or a beginner's dance lesson will do as a relaxation and fun activity. If places where these activities can be done are hard to find within one's area or town, there are available demonstration VCDs and DVDs which are already for sale or for rent in stores and shopping malls.

For additional guidelines on how to maximize the relaxation and enjoyment with the suggested activities, below is a list of to-do things that should not be missed.

Find a companion – It is always better to do certain activities with a partner or some friends. Especially when the activity to be undertaken will only be done for the first time, it is less worrying or awkward to discover a new experience with someone familiar. However, in case a person chooses to be alone in doing this, it should still be kept in mind to stay open for the possibility of meeting new friends. A friendly and easy attitude should be kept from the very start. Do not let the pressure or stress overcome in the situation of being alone. Be open, take it easy, and try to meet new friends.

Make the most of the experience – Learn as much as possible from the activity. Do whatever that is required even if it feels uncomfortable doing it the first time. Do not fret too much over the mistakes or inadequacies; remember that the goal of this activity is for a person to be able to relax.

This is the time to learn how to laugh at one's own mistakes and strive to be better, however, not in a pressured or struggling way. Leave all that are negative behind, especially before going to the activity. This is supposed to be an escape, thus, do not let the negativities find its way through. Simply give it your best.

Take a certain caution – Despite giving it your best and making the most out of it, those are still different from really overdoing it. The suggested activities are obviously those that require a certain level of effort, however, not to the point that one's body will experience over-exertion and suffer from muscle injuries.

Just in case, it is necessary to bring emergency medications such as topical ointments or muscle relaxants such as Carisoprodol for anything untoward that might happen. Sometimes, accidents do really happen despite taking a certain level of caution. It is still better to be ready for the just-in-case events rather than be left unprepared during emergency situations.

These three pointers should be enough guidelines to further make the most out of the escape plan, no matter how brief or how near it may be. Opting for a costly one is one option for those who are capable of handling the expenses. However, for those who are still in a limited budget or limited time, the suggestions above are the most appropriate activities to get into.

How To Relax Before Going To Bed

Quitting Smoking Made Easy

Smoking cigarettes for a long time can be addictive.  This dependence is thanks to nicotine.  Nicotine is a habit forming substance found in the leaves of tobacco plants and makes up about four percent of the weight of the plant itself.  After processing, the leaves get to retain about seven to twenty milligram of nicotine per stick.  And the average smoker takes in one milligram of nicotine per stick.  It is this inhaled nicotine that creates the dependency.  And the best question to ask is: “How can I start quitting smoking?”

It's true that it is difficult to stop smoking.  It takes a lot of determination to stop yourself from lighting that next cigarette.  It's difficult enough to have to come up an enormous amount of will power to keep yourself from puffing away, you will inevitably go through withdrawal symptoms like anxiety attacks, nicotine cravings, irritation, and an inability to concentrate to name a few.  But thanks to modern science, there are now a lot of different ways to quit smoking.

Here are a few simple and effective ways to quit smoking:
l Medications.  There are different medications that doctors prescribe to help smokers in their battle to quit the habit of smoking. These can be either relaxants or sedatives that help calm and control your nerves.  These medications aid in alleviating the discomfort brought about by withdrawal symptoms.

l Hypnotherapy.  This is considered a moderately effective way to let go of the smoking habit. The willing smokers agrees to be subjected to a hypnosis session.  During session the therapist will use the method of auto-suggestion to give the smoker will power to quit smoking.

l Will power.  It takes no less than iron will to push through plans of quitting smoking.  Will power is nothing but a state of mind, a very state of mind that is very difficult to achieve.  People who have very weak will power will encounter a lot of difficulties trying to stop smoking.  Just keep in mind that if  you put everything into quitting smoking, you will be able to do it.  It also helps have yourself surrounded by supportive family and friends to encourage you in your fight to quit.

l Seek counseling.  Even the strongest of will power falters at some point in time.  It is during these times that you should seek professional help to back you up on your cause.  Counseling is very important for behavioral support.  It helps boost up your morale and bring you back on track to quitting smoking.

l Stop using smoking aids.  This doesn't necessarily mean that you can't depend on smoking aids to get you through quitting smoking.  It's just that smoking aids do nothing more than release little amounts of nicotine into your bloodstream.  Smoking aids are only good for satisfying your body's nicotine craving without the dangerous tar and poisonous gases found in cigarettes.  However since it still has nicotine, there is a tendency for the smoker to drop smoking but get hooked on the smoking aid instead.

l Alternative therapies.  Various alternative treatments have been discovered to help smokers with their nicotine cravings.  Among these therapies are: aromatherapy, acupuncture, acupressure, yoga, and meditation.

Smoking may make people look sophisticated and classy, but people should take into consideration more important things than the fact that it makes people look cool.  It is important to know that cigarette smoking may become addictive before you even start on your first stick.  After all, starting is easy, quitting the habit is the hardest part.

Pregnancy Back Pain

Appropriate Posture And Exercises Are The Best Remedy:

Pregnancy back pain in general and early pregnancy back pain in particular is a common complaint during pregnancy with more than 50% pregnant women suffering from it. Pregnant women are prone to backaches and back pain due to a number of reasons such as the extra weight of the baby or a change in the center of gravity of their body or due to hormonal changes in the early stages of pregnancy.

With the growth of the uterus, a women's center of gravity shifts forward. This gradually results in a change in the posture and movement style and may often lead to backache. Hormonal changes are a normal part of pregnancy and can cause the ligaments between our pelvic bones to often and our joints to loosen in preparation for the baby's passage through pelvis during birth. In some cases urinary infection can also result in Back pain amongst pregnant women. Severe back pain during pregnancy if accompanied by other symptoms during early pregnancy should not be ignored, as it may be a pointer to some major problem.

The most important remedy for curing pregnancy back pain is exercising. Walking, pelvic rock, bridging (on the floor with knees bent and lifting the buttocks into air), mini-crunches with bent knees and lifting the head on exhalation are good exercises for pregnant women and can go a
long way in relieving Back Pain.

The right posture and good body mechanics also play an important role in keeping one free of back

pain. Good posture is an effective remedy for pregnancy back pain during early pregnancy  and one should avoid slouching. The use of a lumbar cushion or pillow can help one to avoid slouching and maintaining an appropriate posture. Back pain during pregnancy can also be reduced by appropriate muscular exercises.

A pregnant woman can avoid pregnancy back pain by avoiding standing for longer periods and frequently changing her sitting position. Adequate rest and sleep are also essential for avoiding or eliminating back pain in early pregnancy. A pregnant woman should wear low-heeled shoes with proper arch support to avoid strain on her back. The use of a low stool for resting feet while sitting or standing for long periods can also help in avoiding back pain.

Pilates for an Aging Population

At one time, Pilates was a specialized form of exercise limited to a handful of professional practitioners.  In recent times, Pilates has become one of the biggest exercise fads in America.  Almost every town and city across this great country has a professional Pilates studio, staffed by certified instructors.  Pilates, however, is not just another passing fad.  Pilates is here to stay.

Practitioners of Pilates can experience countless benefits including improved posture, flexibility, and balance.  This presents a remarkable opportunity for an aging population to perform a series of exercises that are both safe and effective.  According to the American Association of Retired Persons (AARP), the stretching and strengthening of core muscles through the practice of Pilates is an effective strategy for combating the effects of aging.

Aside from the benefits noted above, Pilates can also help with relief from stress and mental tension.  It can also have a direct impact on maintaining strength and range of motion, both of which are especially important for our aging populace.  Studies have shown that Pilates can also provide relief from back pain and other physical injuries, which are often a primary cause of pain and discomfort.

The wonderful thing about Pilates, and the reason it is so effective for people getting on in age, is that it is a highly effective form of soft exercise.  Pilates can be performed at a pace dictated by the strength and stamina of the individual.  It is not goal driven, in the way that traditional weight training or body building is.  With Pilates, the effectiveness of the exercise is determined by the overall impact on the health of the practitioner.  Pilates is all about achieving long term, tangible results.

The key to the effective practice of Pilates is to make the connection between mind and body.  Concentration plays a significant role in Pilates.  One of the core principles of Pilates is to establish control of the body through discipline and focused thought.  Much like Yoga, controlled breathing plays a pivotal role in achieving results in Pilates.  Pilates teaches a form of breathing called Lateral Breathing.  This is performed by inhaling deeply through one's nose, and allowing the inhaled air to expand one's ribcage.  This form of breathing is also called Thoracic Breathing.

Pilates is a highly effective approach to maintaining health and vitality, regardless of one's age or stage in life.  While the practice of Pilates is beneficial for many people, it is especially important for our aging population.  Aging individuals often lose control of their coordination and muscles, and this can lead to a sense of frustration and mental anguish for people that have grown accustomed to their sense of independence.  Pilates can provide people with the tools and techniques they need to age with dignity and a sense of well being.  Pilates isn't for everyone, but it could be ideal for you.

Patient Advocacy

Every healthcare provider, from the blue color worker whose primary responsibility is the maintenance of operating room suite furnishings, to the cardiac surgeon performing high risk, complicated and life saving surgery, should be a patient advocate.

What exactly is patient advocacy? The moment a patient makes a decision to trust their life, health and wellbeing to another person, that person takes on an advocates’ responsibility to protect the rights of the patient.

What rights need protecting?

The right to privacy. All billing information, including social security number, age, health information, such as blood type, reason for seeking health care, are all privileged information that should not be shared with anyone not directly involved in the care of the patient. An example of information needing protecting would be the patient’s chart.

The right to be treated in a fair and unbiased manner. Regardless of a patient’s sex, religion, national origin, sexual preference, insurance, and or age, patients should be treated with respect, given equal opportunity to the same level of health care as others. An example of this would be the Medicare patient given the same treatment as the private patient.

The right to be treated with dignity. Patient’s undergoing procedures in the hospital are often stripped of their clothing, glasses, hearing aid, wigs, etc. Healthcare workers may take it for granted that the patient understands the importance of this and may not fully explain when they are going to be touched, such as when electrodes for EKG are being placed on the patient’s skin, or uncovered, as when a stethoscope is placed on the chest to allow the worker to listen to the heart. The surgery patient needs advocacy the most.

Surgery patients, in addition to having their clothing and belongings removed, are often put to sleep and cannot defend or protect themselves. Not only are they strapped to a table by a safety belt and arm straps, they are usually naked. They have to be kept warm. Nothing should be allowed to rest or press on their body, such as tables which hold instruments, or the surgeon or nurses. Unnecessary exposure of their bodies should be avoided. Only the body part being operated on should be uncovered. The anesthetized surgery patient is at the mercy of their healthcare staff.

Keeping equipment safe and the environment clean to further protect the patient is the most basic tenets of advocacy. It demonstrates the importance of each and every member of the healthcare team, from the housekeeper to the anesthesiologist.

Overcoming Social Phobia

Everybody experiences an irrational and strong aversion or fear of a particular thing, individual, or situation. This condition is generally referred to as phobia. There are numerous types of phobia, and one of the most common is the social phobia. This type of phobic condition hinders some individuals from totally socializing or mingling with others.  

It is quite innate for a person to feel shy or nervous when dealing with other people. While some are not self-conscious when speaking in front of a huge crowd, there are those who are literally afraid of doing so. Even having a simple conversion with peers is oftentimes a struggle for individuals who have social phobia.    

Generally, people with social phobia have no problems interacting with close friends, relatives, and family members. However, intense self-consciousness and fear of rejection or embarrassment enter when these individuals meet new people who are outside their comfort zones.

Moreover, the case of social phobia focuses on an individual’s concerns and anxieties on their performance and image in their social circle. A normal person never has to spend so much time worrying about criticisms or how other people might see or judge them. But for those dealing with social phobia, they are always troubled and conscious on what others notice and feel about them.

Overcoming and dealing with social phobia

Just like other people with different types of phobia, individuals who are suffering from social stigma can definitely control and manage their fear and anxiety of being around or mingling with other people. Below are some ways on how one can overcome and deal with this type of phobia:

   1. Get support from family and friends

      It is extremely essential for those with social phobia to have support from the people who are very close to them - family and friends. These people can help strengthen one’s morale, thus, further encouraging that person to go out of his shell, socialize with others, and develop relationships outside his comfort zone.

   2. Seek help from a therapist

      Aside from family and friends, therapists are also the best ones to seek help from by those who have social phobia. These experts can help establish one’s self-esteem and confidence. They are also good at counseling and creating programs that can aid one in facing social concerns and fears. Although there are some therapists who prescribe medications to patients, majority of treatments only include social development programs or plans.

   3. Maintain one’s willingness and commitment to become better

      The success of overcoming and dealing with social phobia basically relies on the individual’s willingness and commitment to improve his phobic condition. Being patient is important since the process requires one to deal with his greatest fears on facing other people and becoming open to things that are not within his comfort zone.            

As a social phobic continuous to seek improvement on his condition, he will eventually overcome his fears and become more and more comfortable dealing with new people, accepting criticisms, and welcoming things that are new to him.

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